A Behind the Scenes Look at "Glimpses of Jesus"

Gem Castor on the set of "Glimpses of Jesus"

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” - Jesus (John 12:32)

A little over a year ago, God gave JFA President Jon Wood the idea for "Glimpses of Jesus": a TV program taking a deeper look into the character–and Love–of Jesus through immersive storytelling. He had been inspired by the beautiful picture of the Savior depicted in the Desire of Ages, and he believed it would make a great witnessing tool, not only in America, but worldwide.

Jon had wanted to shoot a show with our friend, ASAP Prayer Coordinator Gem Castor, for a long time, but the timing and the ideas were never right, until this one. Less than three months after we made the decision to pursue this project, we started filming.

Three months is a pretty quick turnaround for a program like this, but with the signs of Christ’s coming appearing more and more prominently in the world, we felt a sense of urgency.

Throughout every aspect of the show’s creation, we saw evidence that this project was led by God. We could see His hand in it, from the topic, to the name, to the set design, the script, the technology, and even the weather.

We recently interviewed Gem on "Jesus for Asia Now," where he shared his experience working on "Glimpses of Jesus," and how, through this project, God impressed on Gem more fully the importance of basking in His presence. You can watch the episode by clicking the button at the bottom of this article.

Our team has been working on editing each of the 13 episodes of “Glimpses of Jesus,” and we pray we will be able to finish the final edits soon. We are working on translating the program into French, and eventually into other languages as well.

Please keep "Glimpses of Jesus" in your prayers, that God will continue guiding the editing and translating process, and that the show will be a blessing to those who watch it.


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