Peace in a Time of Crisis

Night after night, Mr. Kumar lay in his bed, staring into the darkness. He had no peace in his home or his heart, and he couldn’t sleep. He spent every day exhausted, which surely did not help alleviate his problems.

One day, as he was traveling to do ministry in his assigned village, Brother Janslin, a JFA Bible Worker, met Mr. Kumar, who shared his problems with him.

Brother Janslin told Mr. Kumar that he knew something that could help. He introduced Mr. Kumar to Jesus.

“Jesus is always there to help us with our problems and give us peace,” he told him.

Brother Janslin gave Mr. Kumar a Bible and showed him passages from the book of Psalms that could bring him peace. He prayed with Mr. Kumar.

After the discussion and prayer, Mr. Kumar felt at ease, and that night, for the first time in many days, he slept peacefully.

Since that day, Mr. Kumar has been attending Bible studies and prayer sessions with Brother Janslin and has been reading his new Bible regularly.

God’s Word has incredible power. Just as God’s Word brought the world into existence, it is still able to create peace, joy, and faith in the hearts of those who hear it today as long as they are willing to believe. Please pray for God to continue working in Mr. Kumar’s life and the lives of his family members.

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Streams of Light Piercing the Dark in Thailand


Healing in a Time of Crisis