Coming Soon: New Evening Schools for Punjab


Last week we shared that we are preparing to open evening schools in completely new areas! Two of these areas are located in North India, in the state of Punjab, and the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The people of these areas are vastly different from the people of South India. While South India has few Christians and many Hindus, These two places have fewer Christians and Hindus and large populations of Sikhs and Muslims.

Both Sikhs and Muslims value education and altruism. Service is an important tenet of both religions – Sikhs in particular are known for offering food to anyone who visits their places of worship.

An evening school, where kids are given free education and food, is an excellent ministry opportunity in these places. We plan to start with just a few schools, but we pray the program will grow quickly.

Please join us in praying for God to give wisdom as we select teachers and coordinators for these new evening schools, and for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the children who will attend.

If you would like to support the operating costs for our evening schools, please click the button below.


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