Mahindra's Call for Help -- A Bible Worker Story


Mahindra grew up in a Hindu family of idol worshipers. A few months ago, her son was suffering from a severe headache. Mahindra didn’t know what to do, so she called a Bible worker, Mahesh, to her house to ask for prayer. Mahesh prayed for her son and advised Mahindra to stop worshipping idols. Mahesh also gave her a Bible.

Miraculously, Mahindra’s son was better within 24 hours! Her son’s healing made Mahindra’s faith stronger, and she began to read the Bible that Mahesh had given her. Whenever Mahindra came across a passage that she didn't understand, she called Mahesh, who came over and studied the Bible with her. Today, all of Mahindra’s family members have stopped worshipping idols, and her family has been holding prayer meetings at their home. Mahindra asks for prayers for herself and her family as they continue to develop their relationship with God.

It costs $90/ month to fully support the ministry of a Bible Worker like Mahesh. You can do so by clicking here.

Our Bible Workers send us prayer requests every month for their ministries and for people like Mahindra to whom they are ministering. If you would like to join us in praying for some of these requests, sign up for our email newsletter here.

*Image is representative.


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