Opportunity At His Doorstep

A JFA Bible Worker going door to door

As part of our Bible Workers’ ministries, many of them spend their time going from door to door to build relationships and pray with those who are willing. But what happens when someone knocks on a Bible Worker’s door?

Vijay and his family are from a poor Hindu community. Others outside of their community often look down on them. In order to survive, Vijay and his wife go door to door collecting used clothes that they can then sell.

One day, Vijay and his wife were out collecting clothes when they came to the home of Kanji, who is a JFA Bible Worker. They knocked on his door, and when he opened it, they explained their purpose to him. Instead of granting their request and sending them away, Kanji invited Vijay and his wife inside. He fed them, and told them about Jesus. They had never heard of Jesus before, but they were curious to learn more. They were especially intrigued as Kanji prayed for them, reciting the Lord’s prayer. That prayer was so different from anything they had ever heard before. 

As a result of Kanji’s kindness, and the work of the Holy Spirit, Vijay and his wife started to attend meetings, and they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. They feel respected by the members of the church and are thankful that they can sit with others and pray to the Living God. 

Please pray for Vijay and his family as they grow in faith, and for our Bible Workers, like Kanji, as they seek to lift up Jesus in every situation. 

If God is leading you to support the ministries of our Bible Workers in India, please click the button below. 


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The Mayor’s Invitation