Pray for the Heavenly City


At the place where two great rivers join to form the river of kings (Chao Phraya River) lies Thailand’s heavenly city: Nakhon Sawan. Despite the name, few of Nakhon Sawan’s 90,000 plus residents have had the opportunity to learn about the God of heaven, who sent His son to die for them and pay the price for their sins. The Mueang Nakhon Sawan district (which includes Nakhon Sawan City and is home to around 242,000 people) has only 26 small Protestant Christian churches with less than 800 total members, none of which are Seventh-day Adventist. (1)


Our Inspiration comes from what God is doing in Sukhothai. Until late 2019, the city of Sukhothai, 2.5 hours north of Nakhon Sawan, had no Adventist presence either. The JFA team prayed for years for missionaries to share the Gospel in Sukhothai and held prayer walks to invite the Holy Spirit to prepare the way for workers He was going to send.

The Lord answered our prayers by sending the Norton Family to Sukhothai and in the time they have been there, God has used them to set up a worship center in the heart of Sukhothai, hire two Thai Bible Workers, give a loving home to six Thai children and minister to the needy in their community during Covid. As if that was not enough, they have begun purchasing a property outside of Sukhothai for a school, children's home, and Bible Worker training center. All within a year of their arrival. 

We are so excited about what God is beginning to do in Sukhothai, and now we want to pray for God to do the same work in Nakhon Sawan. Will you join us in lifting up Nakhon Sawan, so its citizens may one day enter with us into the gates of the true heavenly city one day?


New Missionary Launched


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