How God Reached Morget’s Family

Before COVID-19, Morget’s father did not want him to attend the local evening school. The school was Christian, and he did not want his son to be influenced by its teachings. However, when the COVID lockdown came, his father had trouble finding a job. He was a painter, but he could not go into people’s homes or offices to paint their walls; it was becoming increasingly difficult to make money and to feed his family.

The lockdown also affected Morget’s education. No longer able to go to school and receive help from his teachers, he often had to teach himself.

Morget’s father realized that his son was not getting enough to eat, and he was not getting sufficient help with his studies. Feeling that he did not have much of a choice, he decided to send Morget to the evening school.

After Morget had been going to the school for a while, his father asked what he was learning. He wanted to know what this Christian school was teaching his child. But Morget's answer surprised him. The school was teaching him to respect his parents and his elders, he said. He was also learning to be kind, and to do good to those around him. His father was amazed. His son was learning good, practical principles from the Christian school. Maybe Christianity was not so bad after all.

Shortly after Morget shared what he was learning, his family came to the Adventist Church on Sabbath. Now, his family is coming to Bible studies, and they are planning on being baptized soon. Praise God!

We thank God for giving children like Morget open hearts to hear His voice and courage to worship Him, and we thank Him for these wonderful stories of children touching the lives of their parents. If you would like to support evening schools like the one that Morget attends, please click the button below.


A Family Restored


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