Subicha Shares Jesus – An Evening School Story


When the COVID-19 lockdowns in India started, Subicha moved with her parents to a new village. They needed help from a relative, and since they weren’t supposed to travel, moving closer seemed like the best option.

As they started to become acquainted with their new home they learned about the evening school in their village. They had never seen that kind of program in their lives, and they had especially never witnessed a church giving out free food and education.

Subicha’s parents decided to send their little girl to the evening school and she loved it. Each night she came home and told them what she had learned, about math and reading, about good manners. Subicha was especially excited to share with them the stories and songs she was learning about Jesus! Her family became more and more excited to learn about Jesus as well, and they started attending the church where the evening school was held. Just a few weeks ago her whole family was baptized!

Subicha is one of hundreds of kids who meet in our evening schools six days a week for free tutoring in their language, a healthy meal, and the chance to learn about Jesus. Many kids, like Subicha, share what they learn at home, and their families are learning about Jesus through their witness. Please keep these precious kids and their families in your prayers.

It only costs $7/ month to send a child to one of our JFA Evening Schools. If you would like to participate in this ministry by supporting a child's food and education (or several kids) please click the button below:


Matching Grant for the Norton Family’s Ministry!


Priyanka Discovers God’s love