No Matter the Circumstances

A Testimony from Our India TV Ministry

Every day, as Martin went to and from the cracker factory where he worked, he thought to himself, what is the point?

Martin had worked hard to get a good education, but here he was doing the work of an uneducated, unqualified person, earning a daily wage that barely covered his family’s most basic needs.

He had tried for years to get a higher-paying government job, but every time he applied, the hiring managers selected someone else. Discourage­ment after discouragement helped to plunge Martin deep into despair. Life hardly seemed worth living.

Then one morning, Martin turned on his TV and happened to flip to the channel our India TV Ministry's program. And that day's topic? Dealing with depression. The program encouraged the viewers to trust God to answer their prayers.

Martin and his wife were touched by the message and decided to call the number on the screen. Mrs. Jaya Aaron, one of the TV ministry's Prayer Warriors answered, and they told her their story.

Martin and his wife were blessed by their call with Mrs. Aaron, and they prayed together every day for a month. Martin was amazed at how easily Mrs. Aaron quoted from the same Bible he had but didn't read.

As time went on, and Martin's job situation did not improve, he stopped calling. Mrs. Aaron tried to reach out to him, but he never answered until three months later.

"God didn't answer my prayer. I'm ready to just give up on Him," he sighed.

"This world is not our home, Martin," Mrs. Aaron replied. "God has selected us to be His children. He wants you to know Him. Maybe it's time you start praying for God to change your heart."

"I will try to pray for that," Martin said, and he did. Martin's prayers allowed the Holy Spirit to work in his heart, and eventually he made the decision to follow God no matter what. He understood that God wants him to serve Him no matter the circumstances. And he and his family made the decision to get baptized.

When life doesn’t go the way we want or expect, it is often surprisingly easy to fall into despair, to feel like we just want to give up. But it is in those moments that we most need to be reminded that this world is not our home and that no matter what happens to us we are God's precious children. Praise God for allowing that message to reach Martin just when he needed it, and for all the India TV staff who give so much of themselves to share messages of hope with those who are hurting, questioning, and seeking.

We invite you to join us in praying for Martin, his family, and the other India TV ministry viewers. With the many challenges facing this world today, God is using this ministry to reveal Himself to many who were not previously open to the Gospel.

Our India TV Ministry airs two daily shows on two television networks in South India, and the JFA prayer warriors are available nearly 24/7 to provide prayer, Bible Study and encouragement with the program's viewers. If God is leading you to support the financial needs of this ongoing ministry, please click the button below.


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