Choosing a New School - Cambodia Teacher Training Project

Lloyd and Natalie Howell (far left), along with the future teachers of the Cambodia Boarding Academy, and our Bible Worker Seyha and his wife and daughter (far right)

Written by Natalie Howell

Editor’s Note: The Howell family is planting a new boarding academy in Cambodia, and they are facing the problem of finding qualified teachers. In fact there are none. So they are providing training for the future teachers. It’s a long process but we have already begun to see the results in the lives of the future teachers.

The Howell Family—Lloyd, Natalie, and their younger daughter Alysa—are serving as missionaries in Cambodia. They have been working with the Cambodia Adventist Mission since 2020 to help build an Adventist boarding academy, a desperate need for the fledgling Cambodian Adventist church. They are also helping to train the teachers who will work at the academy when it is finished.

This past school year, we added four more students to our program. The school year started in January 2021 due to COVID. We were all excited to start the school year, but soon after they began, our students discovered that some classes were held on Friday nights and others on Sabbaths. We prayed for change, but no change came. So, they did not go to school on those days.

Then they started learning about evolution and Buddhism. Buddhism is the main religion here in Cambodia. As the semester progressed, the students started questioning their purpose at the school. If they are going to be teaching at God’s school, why are they learning about Buddhism and Evolution? We began praying and seeking God's wisdom and guidance.

In one of their classes, they had a PowerPoint presentation on religions of the world. They were extremely excited and did a lot of research because they were going to have an opportunity to share their faith.

On the day of the presentation, the professor left them for last. As soon as they started talking, he interrupted them.

"You cannot speak because you are going to try to brainwash us to think like you, so do not talk."

My heart broke for them. I started praying more, asking what God wanted us to do.

After many months of praying, God finally gave us an answer. Send them to a different school. We had three options: one in Thailand and two in the Philippines. After talking with a few people, we made the decision for them to attend Mountain View College (MVC) in the Philippines. I spoke with some former MVC students. While I spoke with them, I fell in love with their desire to serve the Lord and the missionary spirit they cherished because of their experience at MVC. This had a big appeal for me. I desire for our students to have a spirit of service so they can give back to Cambodia and make it a better place.

One of the biggest advantages of MVC is that our students will not have to worry about going to school on the Sabbath. They will be in an environment that will train them to work for God. The biggest con is that they will be away from their families. Also, only a few of them know English, and the school is an English school. So, I have seven months to teach them how to read, write, understand, and speak English. I do appreciate your prayers during this time.

(Editor’s Note: If you or someone you know would be interested in helping the Howells teach these students English for the next six months, please let us know!)

The students recently moved to the boarding academy property. Along with the Howells and others, they helped to build these bamboo houses that will provide temporary housing until the main school buildings and staff housing are complete.

The students' first Sabbath worship after moving to the Cambodia Boarding Academy property

Once the decision was made for the students to go to the Philippines for school, the next challenge was to speak to each of their parents. We were not sure how the parents would respond to us because we did not give them any warning. Some parents were receptive, some were sad and did not want their child to go, and some left the decision to their child.

One of our students is the only Christian in her family. I was more worried about her mother than all the other parents because she might have the hardest time getting on board with sending her daughter to the Philippines. At the end of the visit, I thought everything went okay, even though I sensed her hesitancy. 

The next night, she called her daughter, telling her she could not eat rice (rice is an important part of the Cambodian diet; it is consumed at every meal). She was so worried about her daughter being trafficked. God worked a miracle as I was planning to visit her a second time. She met someone from our church who was able to encourage her. After speaking with them, she felt at peace about sending her daughter to the Philippines. Throughout the entire time, we saw the hands of God steadily directing and ordering our steps. It was an excellent opportunity to meet all the parents.


Editor's note: We are so excited to see how God is opening doors for these future teachers to go to school in the Philippines. Please pray with us. We still have many challenges to face before these students will be able to start their studies at their new school, including their English lessons, their visas to the Philippines, and their tuition costs. For all the students to attend MVC for the next year, will cost around $6,000 each. We hope to send 12 students, which will cost $72,000.

If you would like to help these students get a Christ-centered education so they can in turn bless the young people of Cambodia, please click the button below. If you would like to support the Howells in their continuing ministry, please click here.


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