Cambodia TeacHer Training
MINISTRY: Cambodia Teacher Training
LOCATION: Cambodia
WHO IS BEING HELPED: The children & community of Cambodia
We are building a boarding academy in Cambodia to give young people the opportunity to get a quality education in a Christ-centered environment. Cambodia does not have enough Adventist teachers, so we are training our own!
A massive civil war swept through Cambodia during the 1970s led by Pol Pot, making what is now known as the “Killing fields.” The effects of which are still being felt today. Many of the educated, including teachers, were executed. So when we were called to start a school, we realized we would have to start by training our own teachers!
Since Cambodia has no Adventist college and Government colleges have Sabbath conflicts, we have sent the school’s future teachers to an SDA college outside Cambodia. We have created a scholarship fund to help pay for the students’ education.
To learn more about the Cambodia Boarding Academy and who the Howells are, check out the links below.
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