We are beginning to offer short-term mission trip opportunities and we would love to have you join us! We are looking for Christ-centered volunteers to be a part of our team. These are a few of the mission opportunities that will be available on these trips.

  • Prayer Walk an Unreached People Group

  • Join Bible Worker Training

  • Open Dead Churches

  • Teach in a School

  • Become a Presence in an Unreached City

  • Become a Motorcycle Missionary

We have learned about dozens of churches that were closed because of a lack of funding for workers Jesus for Asia is seeking to help reopen as many of these churches as possible!

We invite you to join one of two trips in early 2025 to help with revival meetings to re-introduce former members and others to Jesus and the plan of salvation. Jesus for Asia will be assigning Bible Workers at each church to keep them active once we leave.

Trip 1: January 20 - February 3, 2025

Trip 2: February 3 - 17, 2025

Participants will be put in teams to give health talks, present Bible messages (presentations will be provided), and help with health expos or medical camps at each location.

Please fill out the form below to receive more details about the trips. If you are a health professional willing to assist with the health expos/medical camps, please write it in the comment field.

To find out more about our upcoming trips, fill out the interest form below.