To Serve God or Man

For the first time in his life, Israel Prasad had to decide whether he would keep the Sabbath or pursue a successful career.

Israel grew up in India. Unlike many Indian people, he had the privilege of learning about Jesus at a young age. He went to church every Sabbath, attended Adventist schools, and even had the opportunity to attend Spicer Memorial College (now Spicer Adventist University) as a business major.

After his graduation, Israel returned to Chennai, where his family lived, to find work. He found a good, well-paying job at a call center. This job afforded him the ability to support his mother financially in thanks for all she had done throughout his life; however, it had one huge downside. He was expected to work on Friday evenings.

Israel did everything he could to avoid working on the Sabbath. He explained his religious convictions to his superiors; he promised to make up the work another day, but they refused to make an exception for him. All employees must work on Fridays, they told him.

Israel tried to finish his work early and not come on Fridays, but he got in trouble when his superiors tried to monitor his calls and noticed he wasn’t there. He was faced with a huge decision, keep his job, his good job that supported his family, or honor God.

Israel struggled as the pull of the world tried to overcome him. He knew what was right, but he still needed work.

Israel’s mother encouraged him and prayed for him to follow God. Israel prayed too, asking God to find him a job where he could keep the Sabbath, and better yet, work for Him.

After working in the call center for around six months, Israel heard of a ministry called Jesus for India (later renamed Jesus for Asia) that was hiring Bible Workers. Israel talked with the director, and he was given the opportunity to work in a village in the outskirts of Chennai. This job (at that time) paid only $25 a month—less than the tithe he had been paying while working for the call center.

How would he survive?

Still, God had answered Israel’s prayer! He gave up his good salary to serve God, and as a result, God provided for Israel’s needs, and he was able to start a small gathering of believers in the village where he served.

Sometime later, the director of the Bible Workers was found to be untrustworthy, and he had to be removed. But what would happen to the Bible Workers? Could the ministry continue?

Israel was recommended to Jon and Natalie Wood as an honest worker, and a good candidate to take over the position of Director in India and Nepal. Israel was chosen for the position, and has served in that capacity ever since.

Israel seeks to follow God’s leading in everything he does, and God has blessed Jesus for Asia’s work tremendously through Israel’s faithful leadership. With Israel’s help and God’s direction, we were able to start our evening schools in India, as well as our TV ministry, which are both sharing Jesus’ love with many who had not heard. Jesus for Asia has also developed positive relationships with church leaders in India, and our Bible Workers in Tamil Nadu are being encouraged every day to follow God more closely.

If you would like to learn more about the work Jesus for Asia is doing in India, you can watch Israel’s presentations at this year’s FaithCamps on our YouTube channel.

Please continue to pray that God will use Israel and all our JFA Workers in India and Nepal to bring many people to Christ. Please also pray for God to provide a suitable assistant for Israel as our work there continues to grow.

If God is leading you to support any of Jesus for Asia’s projects in India, Click here.


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