24/7 United Prayer
Note from JFA Administration: 24/7 United Prayer is an associate ministry of Jesus for Asia. We believe in what they are doing and, even though they are a separate and distinct ministry, we provide them a place where you can support them also. 100% of your donation will be forwarded to them, minus transaction fees.
24/7 United Prayer operates in partnership with Revival and Reformation prayer initiatives and under the endorsement of the General Conference Revival and Reformation Committee. We are a global prayer and missionary movement that seeks to promote revival. Through the power of united prayer, many lives are being revived and transformed.
Vision: Encircle the world with a chain of earnest praying believers. Mission: To hasten the coming of Jesus by sharing with the world the gospel message of righteousness by faith––the faith of Jesus, and calling all to deeper humility, true repentance, and most earnest prayer, thus preparing a people to receive the latter rain.
Click here to visit their website.
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