Bible Workers: Philippines
Number of People Groups: 202
People Groups Unreached: 28 (13.9%)
OfficialLanguage: Tagalog, English
TotalPopulation: 118,989,000
Population in Unreached: 5,898,000 (5.0%)
Literacy Rate: 95%
Largest Religion: Christianity (89.0%)
% Professing Christian: 89.02%
% Evangelical: 11.33%
Note: These stats are from Joshua Project which includes all Christianity
You can fully sponsor the wage of a Bible Worker in the Philippines for only $250/month. But any amount will help!
Bible Workers are invaluable in reaching the many towns and villages in the Philippines. Being able to speak the language and already understanding the culture, these dedicated workers meet the people on their level. They travel to villages and pray with the people, provide Bible studies, and develop committed groups of believers that stay committed long term.
The Philippines is considered to be Asia’s most-reached country, with 81% of its citizens following the Roman Catholic faith. Nearly six million people, mostly from Muslim and animist backgrounds, are considered unreached. Our Bible Workers in the Philippines work with people from all three of these faith backgrounds. Many of these workers face challenging living conditions and danger in order to share the Gospel.
Sponsoring a Bible Worker in Philippines costs around $250/month, but any size gift will help support these dedicated men and women.
They don’t have to buy an airplane ticket to get there.
They are able to mingle without being easily noticed.
They are intimately familiar with the culture.
A national Bible Worker can be sent out at a fraction of the cost of a Western missionary.
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