What is
FaithCamp is a missions-focused campmeeting for all ages where you can hear powerful frontline mission stories, learn how to live by faith in these last days of earth's history, and get inspired to be involved in God’s work.

Why Should You Attend?
Would you like to grow your faith, learn to walk with Jesus wherever he leads, or get involved in sharing the Gospel with the world?
In these last days, we believe God wants to do as incredible things in our lives, and yours, as He did for the children of Israel during their journey to the promised land.
At FaithCamp, you will have the opportunity to experience an up-close and personal connection with missions and meet real people who are stepping out by faith to share the Gospel with those who have not yet heard it.
FaithCamp “inspires me to keep moving forward, trusting that God will move!”
– John, FaithCamp Idaho Attendee
“I really enjoyed FaithCamp because I learned the need of missions around the world, especially in Asia. I got to eat lots of yummy food! FaithCamp has inspired me to become a missionary as well.”
– David, Age 13, FaithCamp North Carolina Attendee
“Thank you so much for continuing to have FaithCamp - it has been, and is, life-changing.”
– Judy, FaithCamp Idaho Attendee

Help Support FaithCamp
How will your donation help?
We want FaithCamp to be open to everyone, so we never charge for registration or meals. Your donation helps offset the expenses for FaithCamps near you and enables us to hold FaithCamps in the mission field, where revival is also deeply needed. These foreign FaithCamps are often held in places where the local church cannot cover the expenses.
Jesus for Asia has held more than 30 FaithCamps in the U.S. and countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and Timor Leste. Many people have been sent into full-time mission service as a result of FaithCamp!
Register for FaithCamp
We post the new schedule for FaithCamp each year to keep you updated on the cities we will be visiting and the dates we will be there. We usually have a Winter FaithCamp and a Summer FaithCamp season. However, in 2024, we will only be having Summer FaithCamp. Click below to find out more.

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