Light Asia Publishing
MINISTRY: Light Asia Publishing
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing house for Southeast Asia. Here, where Christ and His hope are little known, God calls for the “silent messengers” to support the finishing of His work. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in the native languages. The goal is to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.
Project History
When God first inspired the Rogers to move to Asia to start a publishing house, they planned to move to Thailand. Instead, God sent them to Cambodia, where He provided an ideal location for the Rogers to live and build a print shop.
God miraculously provided for the building project and equipment purchase by inspiring some donors to offer a matching grant and other donors to complete the goal within just two weeks.
The Rogers were able to purchase exactly the equipment they needed, and when some of the shipping containers got stuck in Vietnam, God miraculously released them (Read more about it here).
Now, the print shop is finished, and despite many challenges, they have started printing a few small runs of Gospel literature.
Their team is currently working on translating The Sanctified Life by Ellen White and helping update the translation of The Great Controversy.
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