Sukhothai Children's Home Property
MINISTRY: Sukhothai Children’s Home Property
LOCATION: Sukhothai, Thailand
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Children’s home, community outreach
MISSIONARIES INVOLVED: Robbie and Kasey Norton
God led the Norton family to open a children’s home in the previously unentered city of Sukhothai in north-central Thailand. They have accepted children from terrible, abusive places into their home where they can grow in a safe, loving, and healthy environment.
As the number of children they cared for grew, God led the Nortons to a beautiful eleven-acre property 25 minutes outside the city, with several completed buildings and plenty of green open space for the kids to play.
This fund is for the maintenance and continued development of the property.
See upcoming development projects below:
Land Needs Filled: The property is in a low area surrounded by rice fields. Some parts of the property have had dirt added to raise the ground level to support large structures, but as more buildings are needed, more high ground will be needed to build on.
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