Mindoro Outreach
MINISTRY: Mindoro Outreach
LOCATION: Mountains of Mindoro, Philippines
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Education, food, gospel, lifestyle, etc.
MISSIONARIES INVOLVED: Pete and Jessica Barolo & local Bible Workers
Deep in the mountains of Mindoro, an island in the Philippines, is a people group that lives in deep fear and superstition that has for years kept them from education and proper nutrition.
This people group is mistreated by the island’s lowlanders, who consider them worthless, uneducated, and lazy. Because many of them could not read or write the local language, the lowlanders saw no problems taking advantage of them or stealing their land.
Because of these lowlanders and superstitions passed down from their ancestors, many tribes now live on land where food does not grow easily and struggle to find enough to eat.
Our Filipino missionary team is winning hearts by educating their children and providing food for them. They also show the people that our risen Savior has power over the evil spirits that rule their lives. Several congregations have been formed through God’s power and the dedication of these missionaries and Bible Workers.
The children often go all day without food while their parents are out scavenging in the jungle for something edible. In the villages where our missionaries have started schools, however, no child has died of malnutrition since the school lunch program started in 2017.
Your gifts will provide food for these precious children, support the missionaries, teachers, and Bible Workers serving in these schools and villages, and help bring the Gospel to new villages.
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