Sukhothai Project
MINISTRY: Sukhothai Project
LOCATION: Sukhothai, Thailand
TYPE OF MINISTRY: Children’s Home, Church Plant & Community Outreach
WHO IS BEING HELPED: The children and families of Sukhothai and beyond
Hundreds of cities and towns in Asia have no Adventist congregation, not even a believing member. For many years, Sukhothai, Thailand, was one of these cities.
The Norton Family landed on Thai soil in August 2019 and moved to Sukhothai shortly after. Within the first 12 months, God had sent them six children in need of a safe and loving home. Since arriving in Thailand, they have taken in 25+ kids.
The Children’s Home
The children the Nortons care for come from challenging, heartbreaking backgrounds where they were neglected, abused, or at risk for trafficking. At the Nortons, they can live, grow, and learn in a home where they are safe and loved by God and those taking care of them.
In 2020, God opened the doors for the Nortons to move to a beautiful eleven-acre property outside the city. This property has been a blessing because it came with several completed buildings, grassy areas for the kids to play, and room for expansion. The time for expansion is now, so if you would like to learn more, please click here.
The Mission Post
Located in the center of Sukhothai, the city where the Nortons live, is the Mission Post, which serves as a center of influence and the city’s first church plant. There, the Nortons have a ministry giving food to needy community members.
To learn more and get updates about the Norton’s Sukhothai Project, check out Kasey’s Blog.
Food for the kids, staff, and community members in need.
School supplies and other items for the children.
Rent and other expenses for the Mission Post.
Renovation costs for the dormitories and other projects for the children’s home.
And more!
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