GYC Review and MissionTrek 1/6/17

Impact of the Bible WorkersEvery night, while you are sleeping, a Bible Worker on the other side of the world starts his/her day of witnessing for Jesus in places where the knowledge of God is almost nonexistent. Each year, Jesus for Asia produces an "Impact Report", which highlights the impact of our Bible Workers in India. The full report will be available soon on our

new website

(get excited!), but we wanted to share with you the report from Chennai Metro Section as a preview! These reports come directly from the field leaders in their respective areas.


  • How many female workers do you have? 24
  • How many male workers do you have? 3
  • How many churches are JFA workers lay pastoring in your region? 7
  • How many companies are JFA workers lay pastoring in your region? 10
  • Of all the pastors/church/company leaders in your region, what percentage are JFA workers? 10%
  • How many new churches have JFA workers established in the last 12 months? 0
  • How many new companies have JFA workers established in the last 12 months? 3
  • What is the average weekly attendance at these churches/companies? 68
  • How many new converts at these churches in the last 12 months? 31
  • How much tithe and offering do the JFA workers collect every month? 4650rupees
  • On average, how many Bible studies do JFA workers give each month? 140
  • What new, unreached areas have JFA workers entered in the last 12 months? T.P Chathram, Anna nagar Rountanna, Padi, Pattinampakkam
  • Is there a need for books and Adventist literature for the Bible workers? Yes, in Tamil and Telugu
  • Is there a need for audio Bibles in this region? Yes, in Tamil and Telugu

In your own words, what impact is the JFA "Bible Worker Program" making in your region?“JFA Bible workers are an essential part of the work in the Chennai fields. They can enter new homes and talk freely with the residents without any problems. The Bible workers develop good relationships with the residents, which makes bringing them to church easier.”Miraculous story from the last 12 months:“A JFA worker named Vimala met a college student named Akshiya and shared the Gospel with her. Akshiya was very interested in knowing the Bible truth and Vimala shared many things with her. When Akshiya heard the Sabbath truth, her heart was touched. She decided to keep the Sabbath holy and attend church on Saturday rather than going to school.Her principal noticed her absence on Sabbaths and asked her to come to his office. He strongly advised her to think about her future and come to class on Sabbath. She listened respectfully and then told the principal, “if I die tonight what good is an education if I lose salvation?” Her words pricked the principal’s heart and he had trouble sleeping that night.The next day, he asked her to come into his office again. She was afraid and not sure what might happen. To her surprise, the principal told her that he respected her for standing for her faith and that he was granting permission for her to take Sabbaths off from classes. He also assured her that if an exam was scheduled on Sabbath, she would be able to write it on Sunday! Praise to our Almighty God for his protection!”Some of you may recall a newsletter near the end of 2015 about the flooding in Chennai. Vimala, the Bible Worker highlighted in this report, and her family lost their home in the flooding. Despite losing everything in the floods, Vimala has remained faithful to her calling as a Bible Worker and continues to serve God in Chennai.

Report from GYC 2016!

GYC 2016 proved to be one of the most inspiring and convicting conferences I have ever attended! God's Spirit was there in a powerful way and it gave me hope that God is preparing to raise up His final generation soon.God impressed us to take a new approach with our booth at the exhibit hall. He lead us to highlight the unreached as the primary theme and Jesus for Asia as the secondary theme, and to encourage the attendees to come a pray for the unreached at our booth. We also provided Indian snacks, which were a big hit with the visitors!God orchestrated many divine appointments at our booth, including a visit from one of the main speakers, Jason Sliger, and his wife who have really enjoyed watching

"I Want This City"

, which recently aired on

Hope Channel.

He and Jon conversed for quite a while and he was blessed by the information Jon shared with him.Jason, who is a pastor from Michigan, spoke for the evening plenaries and I was blown away by the Biblical power of his messages. The main theme of his messages was the investigative judgement and he presented it from an almost purely Biblical perspective. It was very powerful. I encourage everyone to go on Youtube and listen to them for yourself. You will be blessed!

Jason Sliger's 1st Message: Lost Identity

There were multiple calls made ranging from desire for baptism to becoming a missionary in places where Jesus is not known. Several sobering and inspiring calls asked for volunteers to risk martyrdom for Jesus in the Middle East North Africa Union. I watched at least 12 young people answer this call on Sabbath morning, willing to risk their lives to serve God.I was also thrilled by the emphasis on prayer throughout the conference! I visited the prayer room on Sabbath morning at 6am for "United Prayer" along with at least two hundred other GYC attendees! The room was so packed that people were praying in the hallways outside! There was much humbling of spirit, confession, and surrender and we could have prayed for hours without stopping.Please make plans now to attend GYC 2017! God is doing something special through GYC and it does not matter what age you are, you will be blessed and inspired by this event!

*Prayer room at GYC by Rich Constantinescu



" Begins Production Jan. 17, 2016!


is a brand new show for

3ABN Kids Network

which is scheduled to air in the Fall of 2017, God willing.


follows Mary Ann and Lilyann as they visit mission projects in Thailand and learn about the immense passion these missionaries have for God's service. If the Lord provides the funds they will also visit Cambodia!


still needs about $5,000 to completely fund the trip. Please



and help inspire young people with a passion for missions!

Thank you for being a part of Jesus for Asia!

I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Thaddeus J LozenskyMission Awareness

"Ask of Me, and I will answer your requests. The promise is made on condition that the united prayers of God's people are offered, and in answer to these prayers there may be expected a power greater than that which comes in answer to private prayer. The power given will be proportionate to the unity of the members and their love for God and for one another." Central Advance February 25, 1903

100% of your donation goes to your designated project.

Jesus for Asia


FaithCampNewsletter Archive

Jesus for Asia, Inc.P.O. Box 1221, Collegedale, TN 37315(423) 413-7321


The Angel in a G-string 1/27/17