Prayers Urgently Needed

Urgent Prayers needed for GoBeDo Missions

The GoBeDo missions post is under attack. Mike and Michelle Cordes started GoBeDo missions in the Philippine island of Mindanao so that they could witness to the villagers who lived in the mountains there. They have trained and assisted Bible workers and helped set up churches and schools for the people who live there.

The mountains of Mindanao have long been a dangerous place to live. Communist rebels there have been at war with the filipino government off and on for many years. They recently started fighting again, making at least one area where GoBeDo missions works completely unreachable.

They are also facing personal, physical threats from those who live near them. GoBeDo’s land is desirable, and a group of people have started circling their buildings at night with lights, telling the Cordes family and those with them that they will kill them if they do not leave. They have no one they can trust in that land to help them. Despite the danger, the Cordes family is committed sacrificing whatever is necessary to complete the mission that God has given them. If God wants them to stay, if there is someone who still can be reached by them staying, they will stay.

We ask that you join us in praying that the Lord will give the Cordes family wisdom and discernment to know God’s will in this difficult situation, whether that be to stay or to leave. We pray that he will strengthen and comfort the Cordes family as well, and if it is His will, that He will send an army of angels to protect them and drive their enemies away.

Click Here to Visit GoBeDo's website! If you would like to donate to GoBeDo Missions, you can visit their page on Jesus for Asia's website .

*We have nothing to fear for the future except as we forget how God has led us, and His teachings in our past history * *- E.G. White*

"That Message Was for Me" – India Television Ministry


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