Testimonies from HCBN: Tengkanos Part 4

Covering Indonesia With Truth & Testimonies from HCBN Viewers

Ramon and Shandy Tengkano operate HCBN (He's Coming Broadcasting Network) in Indonesia. (www.hcbn-indonesia.tv)  Their objective is to share the gospel via satellite television, and this satellite station covers the majority of Indonesia, Malaysia and parts of other southeast Asian countries.

They teach Biblical concepts of family, education, health, country living, and how to have a walk with God. Every day they are witnessing to their brothers and sisters through their practical, Biblical lifestyle choices, which many poor and wealthy people alike find irresistible. 

Indonesia is the 4th most Populated country in the world after China, India, and the United States

Indonesia is made up of 17,000 islands spread over an area the size of the United States. It covers three time zones. With this many islands it's hard for new believers to find a church. HCBN becomes their church. With the data they have available, HCBN can potentially reach 70 million individuals in Indonesia and neighboring countries (Timor-Leste Papua New Guinea, and Malaysia) with the Gospel.

"HCBN Can Potentially reach 70 Million individuals in Indonesia and neighboring Countries with the Gospel."

Eight Years of Ministry

 In February 2019, the Tengkanos reached a milestone of eight years of broadcasting the advent message in Indonesia. The journey to maintain a position on the satellite over the country with the largest Muslim population in the world has been miraculous. This is nothing short of God’s way of proving that“victory will attend the third angel’s message. As the Captain of the Lord’s host tore down the walls of Jericho, so will the Lord’s commandment-keeping people triumph, and all opposing elements be defeated.” (Ellen G. White, Last Days Events 52.3).

Despite financial challenges, lack of workers, and government regulations on broadcasting that are constantly changing, and often favoring the appeal of the majority, they are seeing souls coming to Christ.  Individuals and families are understanding truths from the Bible as they follow HCBN programs, and many have come to Seventh-day Adventist churches accepting Jesus as their personal Savior.  

They need prayers for their viewers!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEHNUyMGPfA?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque]

Watch this video to see testimonies

from three HCBN viewers!

Paulus found answers to Bible questions

An army-officer from East Java, Paulus, who was a devout Catholic, has led a men’s ministry in his church for fifteen years. They meet every Monday evening for fellowship and Bible study. Paulus had a long list of Bible questions he was unable to answer, but when he asked the priests to clarify, they deemed Paulus’ questions unworthy of answers.

"God answered all his Bible questions in that one evening!"

Early in 2015 his UHF television antenna was damaged during a storm. The antenna had stood atop his house for years providing just the television programs he needed. When he went to the electronic store to get a replacement, he was offered a satellite dish instead.

When the dish was installed, Paulus began enjoying a completely new set of channels he had never seen before including HCBN Indonesia. Paulus watched their program for hours that evening with amazement! And God answered all his Bible questions in that one evening!

With excitement he called HCBN and told them his story. The Tengkanos drove 18 hours to meet Paulus and his family, and they have been friends ever since. Paulus' Monday men’s Bible study continues, now filled with new knowledge of the truth. Paulus and his whole family have accepted the truth but at the same time want to be discreet. His whole church would reject with them with prejudice if they knew a different church was involved in Paulus’ Monday Bible studies.

HCBN has many needs and prayer requests, ranging from equipment replacements/upgrades to workers. If you want to know more about HCBN visit their donation page here or email JFA for more stories and a list of needs.

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