Where Needed Most

Each of the projects Jesus for Asia sponsors is funded by gifts from kind donors who want to support the spread of the Gospel message throughout the world.

But what happens when an ongoing project doesn’t receive enough donations to meet its needs? Or when a new opportunity presents itself that will vanish if we don’t take advantage of it right away?

Donations to the “Where Needed Most” fund are used in a variety of ways. It provides administrative support for all the projects, assists underfunded projects, and makes it possible to take action on new opportunities as they present themselves.

Each project and missionary is valuable to the work that God is doing to reach His children. Not all projects are glamorous or exciting, but even the most unassuming projects can be very strategic to the advancement of the Gospel throughout the world. The stem of a flower may be the least interesting or beautiful part of the plant, but without it we wouldn’t have leaves or a flower.

FaithCamp Timor-Leste, the country's first-ever camp meeting, was made possible through your gifts to "Where Needed Most"!

A couple examples of underfunded projects are Indonesia TV and Love for Asia in Thailand. These ministries are routinely planting seeds throughout Southeast Asia. Through media, they are able to reach people who would be unwilling to invite missionaries to their homes, as well as people who live in areas where no work has been started. These are examples of high-impact ministries that are continually underfunded.

Thailand has very few resources in spiritual literature and media that its people can understand, so the Love for Asia Media Team is working to create and translate materials for them in Thai, Karen, and Hmong. They are translating Spirit of Prophecy books as well sharing church services on Facebook, YouTube, and DVD. They impact thousands weekly! This is an expensive process but it is critical to the growth of the church in Thailand.

Indonesia TV is a satellite TV station that broadcasts Bible, health, and lifestyle shows throughout Indonesia. Anyone living on one of Indonesia’s 17,000 islands, or its neighboring countries, can watch Indonesia TV in the comfort of their own homes. Often, on islands with no church, becomes their link to Christ-centered teaching.

Some other ministries, like the Love for Asia Foundation (Love for Asia Media Team works under the Love for Asia Foundation), do their work in the background. The Love for Asia Foundation provides work visas and other support for the missionaries in Thailand. They may not be out on the front lines, but without their hard work, almost all the missionaries would have had to leave the country and their ministries there.

Oftentimes the “Where Needed Most” funds are used for administrative purposes. We try to keep these costs very low and are currently operating at less than 15% (including fundraising costs like our 3ABN show) of total expenses. Since 100% of every donation to projects are allocated exclusively to the projects specified, our “Where Needed Most” funds are vital to the continuing operation of the ministry as a whole and in support of every missionary, Bible Worker, and project out there.

Your continued support of the “Where Needed Most” fund is so powerful in making the advancement of the Gospel possible.

Invest in Where Needed Most


The Shadowy Woman


What We're Thankful for: