Give the gift of hope to Indian children this Christmas
The first time Mooligan heard the name of Jesus was when an evening school opened in his village.
Mooligan had never before heard the Bible stories the teachers told every day, but he was excited to learn about Jesus’ love, and how He healed people.
Mooligan’s family has a hard life. His father can’t walk, and even though he has a wheelchair, he spends most of his time in bed. His mother has to work hard every day, earning money to put a little food on the table.
As Mooligan continued to attend the evening school and learn about Jesus, he began to have hope for his family’s situation. He has started praying for his father’s healing and telling him everything he learns each night, including the Bible stories and memory verses.
When we met Mooligan earlier this year, he told us that God has answered many of his prayers, and that he has faith He will heal his father soon.
When we met Mooligan earlier this year, he told us that God has answered many of his prayers, and that he has faith He will heal his father soon.
Mooligan also told us that he is very thankful for the education and meals he receives from the evening school, and for the donors who have made it possible for him and the other kids to attend. He said he is especially thankful to be learning about Jesus.
Like Mooligan, most of the children who attend our evening schools come from poor families with many challenges. Evening schools give parents and children hope that the children can grow up to have successful, fulfilling lives. But more importantly, the evening schools show them that they can have hope in Jesus.
You can play a part in giving them that hope.
This year, God provided the funds to open 11 new evening schools! This more than doubles the number of evening schools we currently have open. We will be opening these evening schools in January. We do not currently have the funds needed to keep these schools running past the first month, but we have faith that God will provide.
If you would like to join us in bringing the gift of hope to Indian children...
Here are a few ways you can help:
Join us in prayer
Please pray with us that God will send the right teachers and leaders to support the new evening schools, and that He will provide the necessary funds to keep these schools running.
Become a personal sponsor
Ensure that a child's much-needed spiritual and physical need are met. The cost is just $7 a month per child.
Adopt an evening school
with your Sabbath School class, Bible Study group, etc, and send in a monthly/ quarterly offering to help cover the operating costs. Email us at
for more information.
Give a gift, receive a button
If you are able to help in the following ways, you will receive a commemorative button to remind you of the impact your support makes.

Give $25 to receive a button and provide 100 meals and 200 hours of education to children in our evening schools, including 50 hours of spiritual education.

Give $250, or $21 per month for one year, to receive a button and provide 1,000 meals and 2,000hours of education, including 500 hours of spiritual education.
You can also give in honor of a friend or family member, and we will send them a button!