Under Lockdown


You can buy groceries between 6:30am and 1pm each day. You must wait in line, a meter between you and the other customers to enter the store for ten minutes. You may buy whatever marked-up food you can afford from the half empty shelves. Not enough money? You’re out of luck. 

COVID-19 Lockdowns, although well-intended, have caused financial hardship for businesses and individuals all over the world. But in India, a country where almost a third of all workers are daily laborers, the consequences are much more severe.

India’s daily laborers are some of the country's poorest people. They work hard all day to make between $1 and $5. After work, they take their hard-earned wages to the market to buy rice and a few vegetables for a small dinner and tomorrow morning’s breakfast. If they cannot work, they do not eat. Now, with all unnecessary work ground to a halt, starvation is their only option.

Those who had stable jobs are also worried about surviving these next few months. Even when the restrictions are lifted, how will they feed their families if businesses can’t afford to reopen? 

Fear is running rampant throughout India, but wherever possible, Jesus for Asia workers are endeavoring to bring the hope of Christ to those around them. Here is how:

India TV Ministry

Since people have not been able to go to work, Israel Prasad, JFA Director in India, shared that there has been an influx in callers to our India TV ministry. 

One caller tearfully recounted how her husband had been diagnosed with the Coronavirus and taken into isolation. She didn’t know when she would see him again. She didn’t know how she would provide for her children if he did not survive. But, the message she had heard on her TV had given her a tiny spark of hope, and she wanted to learn more about Jesus. 


JFA Prayer Warriors have been able to share Bible promises and words of encouragement over the phone to those who call the TV ministry, and many, like this woman, are choosing to accept Jesus as their personal savior.

“People are eager to come closer to God because of this situation,” Israel said. 

In the Dark [Ages], Satan was trying to somehow shut down, to stop the Gospel, but we understand that in that time, the ministry was really growing,” Israel said.” That is happening now, I can see that!”

Bible Workers

By the grace of God, Israel reported that all the Bible Workers are healthy, and one way or another, they are still serving God. Those in more rural areas are able to visit and pray with their neighbors, bringing comfort and Bible truth to those around them. Those living in cities, where restrictions are more heavily enforced, are praying and giving Bible studies over the phone.

Many church members in one large city are daily laborers, severely affected by the lockdown. Over the last few days, pastors and Bible Workers were able to distribute over 600 packs of food to those most in need.


One small group of Bible Workers, unable to visit people in their homes, decided to meet at the church to pray and sing together quietly. Although they did not advertise their presence, nearby villagers heard that they were there and came to the church to ask for prayer. 

“The ladies are so happy that they can talk to them and tell them about the Love of Jesus,” Israel shared.

“Nothing can stop us going to church." They say, "we want to do God’s work, we want to spread the Gospel. We were really praying how to reach people, but God is sending those people to us now, to the church!” 

Evening Schools

Most of the children who attend our evening schools come from poor families. Their parents are daily laborers who cannot provide adequate food for them under normal circumstances. Although evening school classes are not running,


JFA workers are doing their best to provide food for all the children, including some who were not previously allowed to attend. Parents are so thankful that their children are able to eat during this time of great trouble

When they are delivering food, evening school leaders are encouraging the children and praying with them.

“There are many prayers being offered during this time,” Israel said. “Children are praying; Bible Workers are praying; church members are praying; all the people are praying. Just imagine, because people are given so much time now to be connected with God. When we were busy, God didn’t have any job, but now that we don’t have any jobs, God is busy because we are praying more.” 

 We are living in a challenging time, but there is still much work to be done before Christ’s return. We praise God for all our workers in India who are faithfully continuing to share the Gospel with their people. They are constantly in our prayers, and we hope they will be in yours as well.

Here are a few ways you can help bring relief to people in need during this time: 

Pray. For food to be made available. For protection from the Coronavirus. For salvation for the millions in India still unreached by the Gospel.

Give. Jesus for Asia has set up a relief fund to provide food for church members affected by the lockdown. Even if you only have $5 or $10 to give, every dollar will help save lives.

Share. Bring awareness to this great need by sharing this article with friends and family members and asking them to pray with you for the people of India. When God’s people rally together to pray for those in need, incredible things can happen.


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