Covid-19 Report from India - Please Pray


Life for the poor in India was challenging even before Covid-19.

Since the lockdown started, hundreds of thousands of people have left the big cities to return to their home villages. Most transportation has been halted, so many are walking hundreds of miles to get home. They have little money for food or shelter along the way, but anything is better than sitting in a tiny apartment with nothing to do and nothing to eat. This article from BBC News shares the experiences of some who left the city near the beginning of the lockdown.

India’s lockdown, so far, is set to end by the end of the month. The lockdown has been extended several times before, but we are praying it will not be extended again. Even so, we anticipate that the effects on India’s poorest will last for a long time.

By God’s grace we have been able to send funds to feed people in the Phillipines, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Indonesia, and we are in the process of sending funds to India.

Thank you to every generous person who has sacrificed to help those affected by COVID-19.

Please pray that God will open doors to help more people get the food they so desperately need, and that He will keep them safe and healthy. Pray that the food distribution will open doors to share the Gospel.  Pray that the church members’ faith will remain steadfast, and that the hopeless will find rest and peace in Christ.

If you would like to help provide food for those most in need, click the button below.

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Please Pray: Serious Accident in the Mission Field


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