Back to Cambodia! Howell Family Matching Grant Completed, Tickets Purchased


By God's grace we have been able to reach the matching goal to get the Howell Family back to Cambodia! Thank you to each of you who have been praying for the Howells and who have given toward their return!

The Howells have been encouraged by your prayers and support, and by this evidence that God is leading them back to Cambodia and the people He has given them to serve. The Howells were able to purchase their tickets this week, and they will be heading to Cambodia on March 16! They will then have to undergo two weeks of quarantine in a state-assigned hotel.

They are returning to Cambodia because they are desperately needed there to help the future teachers of the Cambodia Boarding Academy project get their training, to start the building projects, and to immerse themselves in language study. Please continue to keep the Howells in your prayers as they prepare to leave, as they travel, and once they get into Cambodia.

If you would like to support the Howells' ministry in Cambodia, please click here


Peace in the Midst of Peril


Two Sides of the Same Miracle