Floor Plans Finalized for New Studio in Thailand

We are excited to share with you the floor plans for the new Love for Asia(LFA) studio in Thailand! These plans are a huge step forward in a project that has been on our hearts for many years.

The new studio will provide space to create Christ-centered programming in Thai, as well as Hmong and Karen, two local tribal languages. Before COVID, the LFA team traveled around the country filming church services, health seminars, and evangelistic meetings. With the new studio, they will be able to cover a broader range of topics and have the freedom to film when traveling is difficult.

The property we are building the studio on is the same property where the Miracle of the Lam Yai Trees occurred.

The studio will also house a much-larger office space for the LFA team to process missionary visas, edit videos, and translate books and other materials. An adjacent building will provide guest housing for speakers who come to film new shows.

We invite you to pray for this project and for the people of Thailand who have yet to hear or understand the Gospel.

Translating new Bible Study Lessons

Most people in Thailand have little knowledge of who Jesus is, or what He sacrificed for them. Some of our missionary friends recently created a set of Bible Study lessons specifically designed for people who, like the Thai, have no background in Christianity.

The LFA Translation department has been translating this four-book series into Thai, and the first book will be ready to print by the end of March. Please pray the Lord will bless the translation and distribution of these books so they may impact many lives for Christ. 

COVID Relief in Northern Thailand

Since last year, the LFA team, along with several JFA missionaries, have been visiting local villages every 1-2 weeks to pass out packets of food, along with tracts and small books, to those in need. They also pray with the villagers who are willing. Until recently, many villagers rejected the materials the LFA team tried to share. By the grace of God, this past week they were much more receptive, and the LFA Team and missionaries were able to share books and tracts with every house in the area.

Thank you to those of you who have supported this outreach through your gifts to Jesus for Asia's COVID-19 Relief fund. Please continue to pray for God to touch the hearts of these villagers.


Virtual Prayer Walk Initiative


Prayer Requests and Praises for Mumbai Church Rebuild: COVID Roadblocks