How God Saved Vinubhai

Vinubhai seemed to have everything. He had his own home and his own field, and his wife had a good job in an elementary school. Everything was going well for him.

But Vinubhai did not believe in God. His wife did, and she prayed and attended the meetings that Bible Worker Mahesh led, but Vinubhai never went with his wife. He had no interest in prayer or religious meetings and no interest in learning about God.

However, one day, Vinubhai was in a bad motorbike accident. He slipped, crashed, and hit his head so hard that he was knocked unconscious. When he woke up he found himself in the hospital with a sore head and a fractured leg, but he had no idea how he had gotten there.


When he was discharged from the hospital, Mahesh came to visit him and his wife at their home. The three talked together, and then Mahesh prayed with them. After prayer, Vinubhai’s wife explained what had happened after the accident. He had been lying helplessly on the roadside when three kind men picked him up and brought him to the hospital.

Vinubhai was shaken. The image of his body lying on the side of the road and the thought that he could have been more seriously injured, or worse, shocked him. He had been in a major accident, and he realized that it was God who had intervened and saved his life.

This realization prompted him to look to the Lord. He is confident that God worked a miracle to save him, and this conviction has led him to believe in God and to accept Jesus as his personal Savior. Now, Vinubhai has a hope and a relationship with his Savior. He truly does have everything now. Praise God!

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All Things Work Together for Good: FaithCamp East 2021


Selvi’s Silent Prayer