Matching Grant for the Norton Family’s Ministry!

Update: August 13, 2021

We are happy to share that the matching goal for the Norton family’s ministry in Sukhothai, Thailand, has been reached! Thank you to all of you who have prayed for or given toward their project over the last couple of weeks. We look forward to future updates of what God is doing in the their lives and ministry. If you want to know more about what the Nortons are up to, click the icons below to visit their blog and social media pages.

This is an ongoing project. If you would like to support the Nortons in their continuing ministry, please click here.

Right now, every $1 given to support the Norton family's ministry in Thailand will be worth $2, up to $16,000! 

The Nortons moved to Thailand in 2019 to live in a city with no Adventists. They didn’t go with a concrete plan in place, but they started praying and God started leading. Now they have a church plant and Mission Post in the city center and a children's home for needy and at-risk children.

What is an at-risk Child?

An at-risk child is a child who is in danger of or vulnerable to abuse, neglect, or exploitation from their parents or others who should protect them. 

The Nortons, who already had eight kids before coming to Thailand, knew God would be asking them to work with children, but they didn't know it would take only a few short weeks before God gave them their first two Thai kids. As of this month, they have just taken in their tenth and eleventh kids.

With the Nortons these kids have the opportunity to grow up in a healthy and safe environment. They can learn, play, and get to know their Creator all under the loving care of the Nortons and the other children’s home staff.

The Nortons and the children's home staff with their kids (not including the two newest kids)The Nortons and the children's home staff with their kids (not including the two newest kids)

The Nortons and the children's home staff with their kids
(not including the two newest kids)

The Mission Post


Located in the center of Sukhothai, the city where the Nortons live, is the Mission Post which serves as a center of influence and the city’s first church plant. There the Nortons have a ministry giving food to needy community members and teaching English classes to local children, when COVID isn’t keeping everything closed. 

The Children’s Home


God opened the doors in November 2020 for the Nortons to start a two-year purchase agreement for property for the children’s home, and they moved in last December. This property has been such a blessing because it came with several completed buildings, grassy areas for the kids to play, and room for expansion. For the last few months the children's home staff have been busy renovating and adding on to the buildings on the property. One old building has become a worship room and schoolhouse, and some giant old carports are being turned into dormitories for future children to live in, and a large outdoor kitchen.

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As always, we would like to invite you to pray for the Norton family and their ministry in Thailand. Please pray that the staff will have wisdom and energy to handle trials with God's love on display. Please pray that each child will grow healthy and strong and in love for Jesus and each other. Please also pray for the Holy Spirit to continue His work in the city of Sukhothai.

If God is leading you to take part in this special opportunity to have your gifts to the Nortons' ministry doubled, please click the button below.

Keep up with the latest updates from the Norton family:

Kasey Norton’s Blog: Walking Redeemed





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