An Unforgettable Summer: A Story of God’s Protection and Provision

We were excited that the Tengkano Family was able to come from Indonesia this summer to speak at FaithCamp and around the U.S.   Left to Right: Shandy, Abigail, Daniel, Abraham, and Ramon TengkanoWe were excited that the Tengkano Family was able to come from Indonesia this summer to speak at FaithCamp and around the U.S.   Left to Right: Shandy, Abigail, Daniel, Abraham, and Ramon Tengkano

We were excited that the Tengkano Family was able to come from Indonesia this summer to speak at FaithCamp and around the U.S.

Left to Right: Shandy, Abigail, Daniel, Abraham, and Ramon Tengkano

It was a windy day when Abraham Tengkano was driving his family in a JFA van from Michigan to Illinois. A few hours into their trip, a semi truck began to fishtail, and its back edge sideswiped the van, sending it barreling toward the median. Abraham successfully avoided it, and the cars behind them, and eventually he was able to pull off the road. The van ended up being totaled, but the Tengkanos were all safe with only a few minor injuries.


Just this past week, Abraham and Daniel were wandering around the mall when two groups got into a fight and started shooting at each other. They ran, not knowing exactly what to do or where to go. The gunshots sounded close at times, but by God’s grace they made it out safely.

How often do people get in dangerous situations like these in such a short amount of time? Not often. But both times, God protected the Tengkanos from potentially disastrous results.

The Tengkanos came to the U.S. to share their testimony and inspire others to serve Christ wholeheartedly. The devil didn’t like that, but he couldn’t stop God’s plan.

God used the Tengkanos to bless and inspire others at two FaithCamps, Michigan Camp Meeting, ASI, and church presentations across the country. In all they traveled through 25 states and drove 11,000 miles. Here are a few testimonies from those who met them or heard them speak:

Wow.” – Anonymous

“[Their message] was really powerful. That was so good; more people need to hear this. They’re talking about what’s important in life, and it’s not money.” – Anonymous.

“The Holy Spirit captured my heart when meeting Shandy and Ramon…. Then I heard their testimony!! What a powerful impact and influence! My heart has been humbled. Soon I will join a missionary team as Jesus leads me on my life journey. Praise God for examples like Shandy and Ramon’s family giving all for Jesus.” – Anonymous

God not only used the Tengkanos to bless others; He also blessed them by keeping them safe from COVID and providing for a special need.

As a mother, Shandy has always wanted her children to have a good education, but as missionaries, sending them to academy or college has always seemed too expensive. When the Tengkanos were at Michigan Camp Meeting, they toured Great Lakes Adventist Academy where the meetings were held. It seemed like a wonderful place for Abraham to finish high school, but even with a missionary discount they didn’t have the money.

Later, a family came and asked about the kids’ schooling. God impressed them, the family said, to help their kids with the cost of their education, and they offered to pay Abraham’s remaining tuition. Shandy’s heart filled with thanksgiving to God for taking care of her children. Please keep Abraham in your prayers as he starts school in a new place away from his family for the first time.

Soon the Tengkanos will be going back to their mission work in Indonesia. Click here to learn about their newest project!


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Blessings from a Previous Matching Grant: Mindoro Missionary Van