Pray for Indonesia Flight Program

Stock Photo - By Nic McPhee

Satellite TV is an amazing tool to get the Gospel into the homes of people who otherwise wouldn't listen, or who don't have anyone nearby to tell them about Jesus. Especially when we're talking about people spread across 17,508 islands with miles of ocean between them.

But what if we had a way to reach those far off islands in person and help cultivate the seeds planted by the satellite ministry? Or perhaps a way to reach other people in need who live too far to visit by car?

A few years ago, Ramon Tengkano began to dream of starting a flight program in Indonesia. And after talking with many people and praying a lot, this dream is starting to seem possible. We have even received interest from some potential flying partners. But we before the program can officially take flight, we have many challenges to navigate. The first of which is buying a plane. The second is procuring a landing strip and hangar.

We would love to see this program get started, but in order for that to happen, we need a lot of prayer. Starting a program like this isn't easy, but we serve an all powerful God. Will you join us in praying for God to open doors for this new project, and to give wisdom in every decision?

This project is in its very beginning stages, so we will be sharing more details soon, but if you would like to learn more about the Tengkanos and their work in Indonesia, you can click here.


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