Prayers Needed for Manipur School Project

You may have noticed, since COVID came and disrupted our normal progression of life, that everything has gotten more expensive, from housing to food, to building materials.

Increased prices from both supply chain issues and increased demand are problems, not only in the United States but worldwide.

A few weeks ago we received some difficult news from the director of the school we are working with in Manipur. He, along with the elders of the three local churches who started this school decades ago, is working on building a new classroom building to make room for the many students whose parents are eager to send them there because it is an alternative option to the large local Catholic school.

We shared previously how some students were sleeping two or three to a bed because there was not enough room for more bunk beds. The new school building would free up old classrooms to be used as dormitories and allow for up to 1,000 students! The building plans included an eventual five floors with six classrooms each, along with bathrooms on the main floor.

Workers helping with construction of the school building in January 2022

At the start of the project, we were given a quote of $40,000 per floor, and God provided the needed funds, which we thought would complete the first floor. Sadly, we learned that the contractor had greatly underbid the job, and although the $40,000 had been spent, the first floor was only halfway finished.

We went over the expense list with the school director, who kept careful track of the numbers and receipts. We were able to determine that materials (and transport of the materials to the school’s rural location) made up the majority of the costs. No theft was apparent, but the contractor had underbid the price to get the job. When the money ran out, even though the project wasn’t finished, he just left. Thankfully we have found a new contractor who is an Adventist and who wants to see this school expand. Our young school leader is learning about building as we go! We are thankful for his enthusiasm and willingness to step out by faith, but mistakes like this sometimes happen.

Because the school is in desperate need of more dormitory space, we have the option of completing two classrooms and the bathrooms first at a cost of around $16,000 for the concrete, bricks, flooring, roofing, doors, windows, vents, painting, and the contractor fees.

To finish the entire first floor (six classrooms + bathrooms) will cost around $40,000. We do not yet have firm quotes for the upper floors. We will watch and see how this new contractor works out before committing to the larger project.

Please join us in praying for God to provide the funding for this project and for this school to be a continual blessing to the students, their families, and to the progress of the cause of Christ in the valley and the entire state of Manipur.

Please also pray for God to provide lower prices on materials so that the funds given can be used in the most efficient way possible. We believe God is using this school in a powerful way and we long to see more kids learn about Jesus as they attend.

If God is leading you to support this project financially, please click the button below.

Below are a few more photos of the construction progress:

Bamboo used for scaffolding

Working with rebar

Construction workers standing on bamboo scaffolding

Current school room


A Heart Attack and a Change of Heart


Prayers Needed for theCambodia Boarding Academy Project