Printing Progress

An update from the Rogers Family - Publishing Light Press (Asia)

Exciting things are happening in Cambodia where Publishing Light Press (Asia) is located. From building a printing shop to shipping containers mysteriously arriving against all odds, God is certainly working hard. Kenton Rogers shares the story below:

"Up and down the scaffolding. One weld after another. We are making progress, though at times it seems slow. The print shop is taking shape as the walls are going up. The trusses have been lifted into place and bolted together. We will be using insulated metal sandwich paneling for the roof and sides, and then we'll finish the floor with an epoxy sealant. Finally, we will move in the printing equipment and set it up. Oh that day, when we can start to print the literature, is the day I am working toward.

Along with building, we still have paperwork to do. We are in the middle of applying for permission to publish from the Ministry of Information. In prayer, we are asking God to help open the way as we knock on this door. Part of this process is to create a logo for Publishing Light Press (Asia). So I have been working on an idea for it.

We were able to buy the printing equipment we needed (read that story here), and we sent the first two containers to the port closest to us in Phnom Penh. In order to reach Cambodia, the shipment needed to go through Vietnam by river. We discovered that transporting used equipment through Vietnam is “illegal." The government wants the money from an additional transit license, which is not easy to get, so they said they would hold the shipment until we get the license.

About two weeks later, I got an arrival notice saying that the abandoned container had been shipped the last leg of its journey up the Mekong River to Phnom Penh. After getting the container through Cambodia Customs and delivered to a storage container here, I asked how it got here. Their response was that their job is only to send out the arrival notices and collect the final payment. So, in some way, unknown to me, God was able to get that container here.

With the shipping delays and complications, the seller for the paper cutters, who was the only one who was allowed to make changes to the shipment, gave up on trying to get the container to Cambodia. At that time, many people were praying for those two containers.

Filling the pond

Klerissa, attending ASAP training

The second container has had the license process completed, and is now awaiting inspection. However, the shipping got complicated when, by accident, my logistics company filed for Cambodia Customs before the container arrived. So now I have an expiration date, and we don’t really know what will happen if it passes before the container arrives. So my prayer right now is that God will bring that container here before April 22.

About a month ago, dirt was being harvested from the rice paddies near us while it was dry. We purchased another 57 dump truck loads of dirt to finish filling the pond.

We are glad to have that land completely level and usable. When we added up all the dirt that went into that pond, the total came to 292 loads. That is a lot of dirt.

Klerissa, our oldest daughter, attended the recent ASAP training held in Seam Reap during her week long break. She found it to be a great blessing. Klerissa has been working in Rattanakiri for the past two months teaching English as an outreach of the church up there. During the ASAP training, she was encouraged in her efforts to be a benefit to the Cambodian people."

Editor's note: Please keep the Rogers family and this publishing project in your prayers as they work toward opening this much-needed publishing house for Southeast Asia, especially for the shipping container still stuck in Vietnam.

If God is leading you to support this project financially, please click the button below.

Kenton Rogers with the first shipment

The printing shop building progresses


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