Banishing the Night Spirit

A JFA Bible Worker Story from India

Amasi’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the figure of a woman with four arms, menacing snarl, and a necklace of skulls standing inside her home. Kali, the Hindu goddess of time, death, and feminine power, is revered by many people in India. For Amasi, who was Hindu herself, however, the appearance of this goddess (or evil spirit in the form of said goddess) each night did not bring feelings of honor and reverence, but terror. Even after the figure disappeared, Amasi found herself unable to sleep for fear of what she had seen. Night after night, Amasi was plagued by the spirit’s appearance, and she had no idea how to get rid of it.

Emmanuel is a JFA Bible Worker serving in the area where Amasi lives. He and his ministry partner were going door to door, praying and sharing the Bible, when they came to the home of Amasi’s family. Emmanuel knocked on the door, and Amasi answered. He inquired about her health, and she explained to him her trouble sleeping.

“Well I don’t have any medicine that will help you with this problem,” Emmanuel said, “But I do have a solution.” Emmanuel told Amasi about the one true, living God who is kind and loving and who holds power over all other gods. He could free her from her unwanted visitor.

“I can pray for you,” he said, “but you need to believe in my prayer.”

Amasi was silent for some time, wondering how to reply. Could she really put her hope in this man’s God? Finally she spoke.

“Yes, you can pray,” she said. “I believe in your prayer.”

Emmanuel and his ministry partner prayed with Amasi and then went home.

When Amasi went to bed that night, the evil spirit impersonating Kali once again appeared in front of her, and this time, it spoke.

“I know you asked that man to pray for you,” the spirit declared, “but it won’t make any difference. I will not leave you.” Amasi had trouble falling sleep again that night.

The next day, Emmanuel and his ministry partner came back to Amasi’s house to check up on her. She told Emmanuel what had happened, and he prayed for her again.

“If the goddess appears again tonight,” he told Amasi, “You tell her: ‘Jesus is with me; you leave me. I don’t need you.’”

That night, when “Kali” appeared again, Amasi followed Emmanuel’s instructions. Jesus was with her, and the evil spirit had no power over her. Jesus banished the unwanted visitor from Amasi’s home, and she has slept peacefully ever since.

Amasi still has much to learn about Jesus. Please pray for her to fully surrender her life to God and accept Jesus as her personal Savior.

We are so blessed to see how God is using our Bible Workers to share hope with those who have been oppressed by the enemy. If God is leading you to support these Bible Workers financially so they can continue their full-time ministry to the people of India, please click the button below.

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