One Month in Thailand! - Student Missionary Update

Lilyann Adams is a JFA student missionary in Thailand this year. She is working with the Nortons in their ministry in Sukhothai. We were touched and inspired by her first update, which we have shared below, and we hope you will be too!

Please keep Lilyann in your prayers as she continues to serve.

One month in Thailand!

To recap, here’s a list of things I was not prepared for 1 month ago:
• scorpion ants. Everywhere! Like bed, clothes, washer, everywhere!
• how much I'd miss salad
• coming face to face with a monitor lizard!
• having to evacuate for flooding
• seeing like 6 snakes! Already!
• how you really don’t need AC to survive. who knew haha
• how much I'd wish I knew Thai
• how normal driving on the wrong side of the car & road feels
• how beautiful the sky is here! Like every single sunset!
• that I would think 80 degrees = sweater weather
• how rain all the time really isn’t that bad
• how quickly my heart would be captured by all 24 of the kids
• how fulfilled life is despite the ever-growing list of things I could complain about
• that loving with all you have sometimes looks like lice
• learning more each day what it means to follow Jesus wherever. Whenever. Whatever.

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A New Baby: An Update from the Norton Family in Sukhothai, Thailand