Prayer Changes Pamir

“No, I do not want you going to that church. You cannot go.”

Sadar* is working as a Bible Worker in Bangladesh, taking care of a small congregation. Sadar noticed that one family, who had accepted Jesus and joined his church, had stopped coming regularly. So, he decided to visit them and encourage them to come again.

One family member named Pamir*, Sadar learned, had not accepted Jesus and did not like his relatives going to church. The family wanted to come and worship Jesus with fellow believers, but he prevented them from going.

Sadar visited the family’s home often, and Pamir was always rude to him. He tried to threaten Sadar and prevent him from coming, but Sadar did not stop. He continued to pray for Pamir and share Jesus with him. Still, he did not change his mind.

Eventually, Pamir decided to go to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, to work, and the family was free to worship.

After some time, Pamir became sick and had to return to his home village. Sadar went to the family’s house to pray for him. This time, Sadar’s prayers were not met with contempt but appreciation.

“I want to accept Jesus as my salvation and come to your church,” he told Sadar.

Sadar praises God for working in Pamir's life to change his mind about Jesus.

Our Bangladesh Bible Workers serve in difficult areas. Situations like the one above are frequent, so we praise God with Sadar for this miracle of a changed mind.

Please keep our Bible Workers in prayer as they continue to serve amidst opposition. Please pray for God to change many more hearts and lives like He did Pamir's.

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