The Dead Know Nothing
*Representative Photo
Indradevi woke in the middle of the night to noises. What exactly they were, she didn’t know, but they were coming from inside the house. In her son’s room, to be exact. Chills ran down her spine.
Not long before, her son had been suffering from sudden swelling in his body. The cause was a mystery to them and the doctor, although medicine was prescribed regardless. Indradevi encouraged her son to take the medication regularly, even though it didn’t seem to be helping. What other hope did they have?
Despite Indradevi’s best attempts to help her son, he unfortunately passed away. After her son’s death, Indradevi was held captive by a fear that she was being haunted. What else could explain her son’s continual swelling while he was living and the noises that crept around her home at night? When the swelling that tormented her son’s body began to plague her, she knew she needed help.
Her close friend told her about Ambika, a JFA Bible Worker, who had been visiting people and praying for them in their homes. Indradevi called them over and explained her situation. Ambika and her fellow Bible Workers reassured her that the dead know nothing. “Don’t fear,” they told her. “Have faith in Jesus and pray.” And so, she did. They all did.
In time, through persistent prayer, the noises in her home stopped. The swelling in her body vanished. Indradevi felt safe in her home again. Encouraged by this, Indradevi sought Bible studies and learned more about Jesus’ love and His second coming.
What an incredible God we serve, whose light pierces through the darkness to bring peace and hope to those suffering from the enemy’s oppression.
Please continue to pray for Indradevi as she learns more about Jesus and for God to use our Bible Workers to reach many others who are facing similar situations.
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