Finding Jesus in a Stolen Bible!

Manish, a JFA Bible Worker, is serving in a challenging area where followers of Jesus experience many difficulties in their daily lives, making sharing the Gospel even more arduous.

One day, Manish met a very anti-Christian man. The man requested that Manish open his bag and show him what he kept inside it. When the man saw Manish's Bible and songbook in the bag, he became furious and grabbed the bag from him. Manish pleaded for the man to return his bag, but he refused, taking the bag home with him. 

Some time later, the anti-Christian man went to Manish's house, but this time, he was not angry. Instead of criticizing Manish for sharing the Gospel, he asked Manish to give him Bible studies! Instead of destroying the Bible he had stolen, the man started reading it. He became interested in what he was reading and wanted to learn more.

Manish agreed to the man's request, and they are currently studying the Bible together.

God works in unexpected ways. We are confident this set of circumstances did not happen by chance. Though this man's heart seemed hard, the Holy Spirit is doing something in His life, and we look forward to what God will continue to do. Please join us and Manish in praying for this man to accept Jesus as His Savior. 

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