Honoring the Sabbath Leads to Testimony

*representative image

Why weren’t Prapti and her husband coming to church regularly? Rani, a JFA Bible Worker, and her pastor husband wondered what was happening in their lives. 

Prapti’s husband was from a Seventh-day Adventist family, while his wife was from a Hindu family. Was this religious disparity the reason they weren’t coming? Rani and her husband decided to visit them.

When they went to Prapti’s house, they learned some exciting news: Prapti was going to have a baby! Sadly, the doctor’s office kept scheduling her follow-up appointments on Sabbaths. They wanted to ensure their baby was healthy, so they always went to the appointments. The pastor encouraged Prapti and her husband to prioritize God and come to church again. They listened and came back to church, skipping that day’s appointment. 

In a later ultra-sound scan, this time on a Monday, the doctors gave Prapti some concerning news. The baby’s umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck. They told her she may have to have a c-section to reduce the risk for her baby. 

When Prapti’s Hindu parents found out, they were angry; they blamed her husband’s family for taking her to church instead of her doctor’s appointment. Surely, if she had gone to her original appointment, they believed, her baby would not be at risk. The husband’s parents called Rani and her husband and invited them to pray. 

Rani shared that In answer to those prayers, “God showed His power over all problems.” Prapti delivered a healthy baby without any difficulty. Her husband’s family happily thanked God for His miraculous way of attracting Prapti’s Hindu family members. 

Please pray for Prapti’s family to accept Jesus and live their lives for Him!

Please also pray for Bible Workers like Rani who are reaching out to those around them, encouraging believers and non-believers alike to trust in Jesus and His power to heal, protect, and save. 

If you would like to help support the ongoing ministries of our Bible Workers, please click the button below. $100 a month will cover a Bible Worker’s stipend in India, but gifts of any size are welcome. 


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