Sponsor Students to Adventist Education in Cambodia 

SALT Ministries Cambodia with Tim and Wendy Maddocks

Makara and his sister Pisey came from a non-Christian home in Cambodia. Pisey’s father (Makara’s stepfather) was Muslim, and their mother was Buddhist. A friend recommended the children attend Kantrak Adventist School (now the Adventist International School Siem Reap, or AISS), part of Tim and Wendy Maddocks’ SALT Ministries. 

Their parents liked the school, so Makara and Pisey moved into the dormitory to begin classes. Not long after, Pisey’s father died, and their mother, out of financial desperation, moved to Thailand to find work, leaving her children in the care of the school.

During their time at AISS, Makara and Pisey gave their lives to Jesus. After graduating high school, Makara spent two years serving at Adventist Frontier Missions projects, first as a church planter and second as a chaplain. Makara is now attending Asia-Pacific International University in Thailand. He is studying nursing by faith since he has no committed sponsors. Pisey is completing 12th grade this year and hopes also to study health sciences. 

While in Thailand, Makara and Pisey’s mother became very sick and returned to Cambodia to get well. She had no home and little money, so she came to Wat Preah Yesu, the campus where AISS is located, so Pisey could help care for her and Wendy could guide her to health again. 

Makara and Pisey are just one example of how God has used AISS to give Cambodian children an education and a knowledge of Jesus. 

Many orphans who attended AISS and dorm students from poor Adventist families in rural areas have obtained a bilingual education and gone on to university, both in Cambodia and overseas. Today, most have become teachers, accountants, or IT workers.

AISS originally started in 1999 as a literacy school for poor children. Since then, it has become a K-12 school with a True Education focus. 

Tim and Wendy “desire that every Adventist child should have an Adventist education and prepare for a lifetime of service for the Lord.”

The school has provided education to church members’ families for most of its history, but this year, its leaders decided to offer education to all the children of church members in Siem Reap province. 

Previously, children aged ten and up could live in the dorm. This year, they have offered to house children from ages 6-9 in the ministry’s orphanage houses, where smaller groups of children are being cared for by house parents. 

Eighty-eight children from Adventist homes are currently boarding at AISS. These children receive free accommodation and meals and subsidized tuition of $170 per student per year. (Tuition for non-Adventist students is $240). While most Adventist parents are trying to earn enough to pay the $170, some parents are simply unable, so their children are given free tuition and board. Tim shared, “We look upon all these children as God’s children, and as their Father, He will pick up the bill.”

In addition to the dorm students, 23 orphans also attend the school. Our Heavenly Father also funds their room, board, and tuition. 

Tim has requested prayer that he and the other school leaders will not doubt God’s willingness to provide an Adventist education for His children and that God will move upon the hearts of those He has chosen to help support either individual students or the school as a whole. 

If God is moving on your heart to help fulfill the needs of one or more of these students, please click the button below.  


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