Prayer Walk Anywhere!

Testimonies from FaithCamp

Many of you have probably heard or seen us talk about prayer walking before. Some of you have joined us on virtual prayer walks in unreached cities in Asia. 

For those who may be less familiar, prayer walking is essentially walking and praying, specifically interceding, for the areas and people one might see along the way. Though results may not be noticeable or immediate, the prayer walker can know through faith that God and His angels are working to answer those prayers. 

This year at FaithCamp, God inspired us to share what He has taught us about prayer walking and invite attendees to try it for themselves. At each FaithCamp location, we formed groups and went out to pray for the local communities. Many participants joined us in prayer walking for the first time and came back with amazing testimonies of how God moved their hearts. 

So why prayer walk? Let’s see what some of the participants had to share:

”[Prayer Walking] changes your perspective and your concern and compassion for other people, whereas normally, you’re just not even thinking so much about them. I’m on my way; I’m going here; I’m going there. But the impact is not just for the other people you’re praying for but the change in us, the experience of being focused on caring and having God’s heart, being in harmony with Him; we sense that it changed us there in our little group.” - FaithCamp North Carolina Attendee.

“We’re used to giving out books or tracts or magazines and stuff that way, but I felt it was really different because you’re rededicating this back to God. It’s already His, and so those buildings, those people, that whole thing would feel God’s atmosphere, and I felt His atmosphere, just being there, it’s like, you’re walking on His ground, and it gave me a different outlook.” - FaithCamp Idaho Attendee.

“It was very interesting to be in a place where people [often go, like] farmer’s markets, but to be there for a different reason other than just looking what can I buy, what can I get for me or my family. But to go, who can I pray for, Lord, give me an opening.” - FaithCamp Idaho Attendee.

“You just realize that there’s a lot of pain out there, and these people are looking for comfort because they have pain inside, and they’re just trying to get attention or soothe the pain that they’re feeling, so you just want to pray for the Holy Spirit to go out to them, and as you’re walking the Holy Spirit helps you to see these things, and you want these people to feel the love of Christ also and have the Holy Spirit in them, and hopefully some healing will come to them.” FaithCamp Tennessee Attendee

“We walk our neighborhood almost every day, you know, [before the prayer walk] I just never thought of first praying for my neighbors. I’ve just always selfishly started praying for myself, and my own needs and my family’s needs, and I can’t believe I never ever thought to just pray for my neighbors” - FaithCamp Tennessee Attendee.

Jesus for Asia has a burden to prayer walk in unreached cities in Asia, which we'd love to have you participate in, but you don't have to wait for an opportunity to travel overseas. Prayer walking can be done anywhere, at any time. At the park, at the grocery store, in one’s neighborhood. Everywhere where there are people who need Jesus, we can pray!

2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”

God desires that as many as will choose Him will have the opportunity for eternal life. That means any prayer we pray for the salvation of others, He wants to answer! 

If you’ve never tried prayer walking before, we encourage you to try it! You can click the links below to listen to the prayer walk training we went through during FaithCamp. 

Prayer Walk Training I
Prayer Walk Training II

If you are interested in joining a trip to prayer walk in an unreached area of Asia, please click the button below to sign up for more information when it becomes available. 


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