Indonesia is made up of 17,508 islands situated between Southeast Asia and Australia. It is known for its cultural and bio-diversity and has some of the world’s best scuba diving. Indonesia, a majority Muslim country, is also the world’s fourth-most populated country. The Adventist church in Indonesia makes up only around 0.08% of the population; most of these are from two of the country’s 1,300 tribes.
Audio Bibles
We all know what a blessing the Bible is for those who can read God’s Word. But what about all those who never learned to read or are blind? How can they be built up in the faith? The answer lies in today’s technology. Cheap MP3 players with audio Bible recordings in local languages do more to build up the church in poor places than almost anything!
Aviation for Indonesia
Airplanes are the best way to make the small Gospel workforce effective in covering and managing the work in large areas covered in mountains and forests.
Bibles and Literature for Asia
Asia is where the least reached peoples of the world are living. Many do not have access to the Gospel. There is no Christian bookstore on the corner, and there are no Bibles in the local stores. This fund allows Bible workers in various countries to give Bibles to baptismal candidates so they can read the Word in their own language.
Bible Workers: Indonesia
Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and 1,340 ethnic groups. While the church is flourishing in 2 of those ethnic groups, the remaining are largely untouched by the Three Angels’ Message. There is an immense need for workers who can bring the message of light to these dark places, and the people who are best suited for this task are the believers who are already there, who speak the language and live among the people.
Bible Worker Training
Many of our Bible Workers have a strong heart for Jesus and a desire to serve Him but need Bible training. With so few pastors in the work force compared to the number of people that need nurturing these simple but wonderful workers are often…
Bicycles for Bible Workers
Many of our Bible Workers, especially in the North, find transportation extremely difficult due to the high cost and irregular public transportation in the rural districts. Each bicycle costs approximately $100.
Church Buildings
Churches are a powerful evangelistic tool. If new believers in Asia have no church in their area, they sometimes give up and scatter. Building churches can help establish the work our Bible Workers have
Community Outreach for Indonesia
The Tengkanos’ property in the country is near a poor village. They have been reaching out to the villagers in various ways to provide assistance and build meaningful relationships with them. Some avenues they have used to do this are offering free health and dental care and opening a barbershop. They are also planning to start a music school to teach young people a type of traditional Indonesian instrument.
Health Retreat for Indonesia
Many of the people began asking the Tengkanos why they chose their new way of living and how they were doing so well. These questions inspired the Tengkanos to create a health retreat center on their property in the country. At the center, people from the city could come to rest or exercise in nature, learn more about health, and learn how to find the purpose and meaning in life that the Tengkanos have found.
Jesus exemplified reaching out to those in need. Through this fund, Jesus for Asia seeks to follow His example. Gifts will be used for disaster relief, blanket distribution, food distribution, and other humanitarian projects.
The Institute of East Asia Training, with Eugene and Heidi Prewitt, serves budding missionaries from the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, and Malaysia. These young people are trained in the arts of winning hearts, selling books, teaching doctrines, planting congregations, and reaching unreached groups. Extensions of the iEAT program that serve in Indonesia are listed as a separate project.
Light Asia Publishing
The Rogers Family is working, with God’s help, to establish a publishing House for South East Asia. The purpose is to provide Christ-centered literature, Bible study guides, and books in native languages to share through the printed page a knowledge of the love, joy, and peace that God gives.
Pangandaran Outreach
Pangandaran is a city and province in the island of Java, Indonesia, with few representatives of the 3 Angels' messages. A missionary couple recently moved there to share Jesus with the locals.
Projectors for Evangelism
Projectors are a huge advantage in sharing the Gospel. Especially in places with no television (yes, there are still places like that). We get many requests for this tool for holding evangelistic series and winning people to Christ.
Satellite Television Over Indonesia
Satellite is the best way to covers all of Indonesia’s 17,000 islands in the national language of Bahasa Indonesia, which people in Malaysia can also understand. It only costs $10/hour to operate the satellite and produce programs that reach the people’s hearts.
Tengkano's Projects
Ramon and Shandy Tengkano sold everything they had to build a TV studio and satellite uplink station to broadcast the Three Angels’ Messages to all of Indonesia and Malaysia! They are passionate about the Spirit of Prophecy and advocate the benefits of a simple, healthy lifestyle. And they should know the benefits!
Timor Leste Mission
Timor Leste is one of the world’s newest countries – gaining independence from Indonesia in 2002. In the wake of independence, about 1/4 of the people were killed. The president of the Adventist church there, Pastor Chris Anderson, has a vision to uplift this…
Unreached People Seed Fund
So many groups of people in Asia have not even heard the name of Jesus. Gifts to this fund will allow Jesus for Asia to start new projects in areas where there are no believers.
Where Needed Most
Your donation will go to where the need is greatest at the time, as well as enabling Jesus for Asia to continue to provide support for all its projects. By giving to "Where Needed Most," you make sure no project gets left behind.
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Missions for Asia
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