The Pukkulam Church Collapses! 3/23/17

Pray for Pukkulam!

Pukkulum is a village in South India, where we operate an Evening School out of the Pukkulam Seventh-day Adventist Church and it regularly serves over 30 kids! This village has been very resistant to hearing about Jesus, but by God's grace we are slowly seeing progress because of the evening school. We offered to drill a well for the village, but the offer was rejected because some influential villagers do not want our religion. :(The church building was aging and in serious need of repair. When workers attempted to repair the roof the whole church building collapsed to the ground! We praise God that no one was hurt in the collapse. There was one worker in the building when it collapsed, but miraculously he was not injured. The ceiling and walls collapsed around him, leaving him unharmed. We also praise God that there were no children in the building when it collapsed!The neighbors, who didn't like living next to the church, tried to get the city to prevent the church from being rebuilt! Thankfully, their request was denied and the new church is under construction. Satan is working hard through the neighbors to stop or slow down the building of this church! The neighbors are now claiming that the vibrations from the construction equipment and large trucks delivering brick will damage their homes.Please pray for the love of Jesus to shine into the hearts of these neighbors and that the church will be speedily rebuilt so the evening school there can continue because it is making an impact in the community.After the church collapsed, an elderly woman, raising her three grand children because their parents had died, came to the church and pleaded that it be rebuilt. She sends all three of her grand children to the school and even her blind husband comes and all are fed. The family is very poor and without the evening school they would be facing starvation!

"MissionTrek" Team back from Asia!MissionTrek is a brand new series for 3ABN Kids Network which is scheduled to air in the Fall of 2017, God willing. MissionTrek follows Mary Ann and Lilyann as they visit mission projects in Thailand and learn about the immense passion these missionaries have for God's service.Half the team has returned from Asia and now work begins on editing the film and putting the shows together. Their trip was fraught with attacks from the enemy! All the young people--James, Mary Ann, and Lilyann--were targeted!Mary Ann and James both came down with illness about 3 weeks into the trip. James was so sick and dehydrated from throwing up that he had to be taken to the hospital to receive IV fluid. Lilyann severely broke her arm during a recreational outing towards the end of the trip, which required surgery and an extended stay in Thailand. She will be returning to America this week with her family.The team had to travel through China on their way to Thailand and the customs in China confiscated over $750 worth of batteries for the cameras and other equipment. Then, in Cambodia, James' MacBook was stolen!All of this happened on top of a very intense schedule, which included over 2,200 miles of travel in 50 days, interviews of 14 missionary teams, a visit to Cambodia, and sleeping in over 25 different beds! This doesn't include the travel to and from Asia!We are convinced that God has a plan for this program and the enemy is unhappy about it. Please continue to pray for the team because there are still 100's of hours of editing and studio production work to be done before it is ready to air. We praise God for his protection throughout the trip and sustaining the team by his grace and strength.You can continue to follow the progress of the production, read updates, and view pictures on the MissionTrek facebook page!*MissionTrek hosts Mary Ann (left) and Lilyann (right) at the floating market in Bangkok!
Thank you for being a part of Jesus for Asia!
I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Thaddeus J LozenskyMission Awareness"Ask of Me, and I will answer your requests. The promise is made on condition that the united prayers of God's people are offered, and in answer to these prayers there may be expected a power greater than that which comes in answer to private prayer. The power given will be proportionate to the unity of the members and their love for God and for one another." Central Advance February 25, 1903
100% of your donation goes to your designated project.
"Ask of me and I will give you the heathen for an inheritance." Psalms 2:8

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Vision Trip 2017


What Does It Take to Save a Life? 3/1/17