Vision Trip 2017

Mission Trip 2017

There is so much work yet to be done, but so few laborers to do it. Jesus for Asia is passionate about helping others see God's vision for the spread of the Gospel. On a Vision Trip you will see with your own eyes how great the needs truly are and experience first hand what it's like to be in a place where the knowledge of God does not exist. You will see how others, like yourself, are attempting to bring the Light into the dark places of the world and maybe, hopefully, you will gain a vision of just how God can use you likewise!A Vision Trip is an 8-week trip that incorporates visits to Thailand, India, and maybe Cambodia. In Thailand, you will meet missionaries who have committed their entire lives to God's work and are happier there than they ever were in America. You will visit many of the exciting projects Jesus for Asia has in Thailand and experience the culture and beauty that is there. From Thailand you will go to India, where you will participate in an evangelistic series and see people hungry for hope. You will see poverty like you have never witnessed before and at the same time see the tremendous change that happens when a person is freed from the chains of paganism. If time and funds allow, we may also visit Cambodia, where you will see the vision for one of the most ambitious projects in Asia. 8-weeks is hardly enough time to see it all!Here is what the itinerary may look like:

  • Week 1: Travel to Thailand, explore Bangkok temples, and meet the missionaries
  • Week 2: Visit Sunshine Orchard on the border of Burma, and visit the Sharons
  • Week 3, into week 4: Visit missionaries in Chiang Mai, visit Sukhothai (unentered with the Gospel), travel to Bangkok by bus, and, if time and funds permit, travel to Cambodia (possibly visiting Siem Reap, Tim and Wendy Maddocks, and/or Angkor Wat).
  • Remainder of week 4: Travel to India
  • Week 5 and 6: Evangelism in India
  • Week 7: Touring in India and visiting a few of the JFA projects there.
  • Week 8: Travel back to Thailand and rest at the beach or tour the "Bridge Over the River Kwai" area. Travel back home.

We have prepared a short survey to gauge how much interest there is taking a Vision Trip. We have tentatively capped the size of the group to 20, but that may change if the response is overwhelming.The best time to travel to Asia is between October and March. As you will see from the survey, there are two windows available for this trip. Please choose which one will best work for you and based on your responses we will be able to more accurately determine the costs of the trip. The price will definitely include travel and lodging, but we have not decided how to handle the food yet because that is usually decided by the group. We estimate the price to be around $3,000 per person, but a lot of that depends on how expensive the flights will be.If an 8-week trip is not doable, there will be options to join the group for portions of the trip. Please select the option that best fits your schedule.A Vision Trip will change your life. This is not a typical mission trip, it is so much more. Please take this before the Lord and ask Him if it is His will for you to go.

Reaping the Harvest

Our Bible Workers in India are doing an amazing work! Here are just a few of the many accounts we receive of Jesus changing the lives of people in India. Note how in each account, the Bible Workers regularly visited and prayed with each family and the results that followed. Please pray for these committed soldiers of Christ.


Age: 30Religion: HinduSakila is an orthodox Hindu who spends most of her time praying at the temples. Our Bible workers met her on the way to the temple and shared with her the wonders of Jesus. She desired to know more and shared with them that even though she spends much of her time praying in the temple, she has no peace in her soul.The Bible workers shared with her that Jesus is only true source of peace and regularly visited to pray with her. She now goes to the local Adventist church every day to pray instead of the temple. She has accepted Jesus as her savior and been baptized! Now she has peace. The people in her community are amazed to see her going to the church every day instead of going to the temple. We pray that Sakila will become a mighty witness for Jesus in her community.


Age: 50Religion: HinduBabu was a very pious Hindu who believed that the Hindu gods were very powerful and above every other god. One day as he was coming home from work, he stepped on some puja materials (A puja is a type of witchcraft practiced by Hindu sorcerers). That night and every night thereafter, everyone in his family had trouble sleeping. Babu had heard that our Bible workers could pray and break the power of the puja, so he called for the Bible workers to come and pray over his family. The Bible workers prayed and that night everyone slept peacefully! The workers continued to visit Babu's home to pray and share with him about Jesus.Babu's belief in the Hindu gods is shattered to pieces. He now believes there is a God in Heaven who is more powerful than any other god. He has committed his life to Jesus, who delivered his family from the puja curse. Babu is attending church every Sabbath and studying our truths in preparation for baptism.


Age: 30Religion: MuslimAyisha overheard our Bible Workers earnestly praying at her neighbor's house and she became intrigued. She wanted the Bible workers to come to her house and pray, so she asked them. Our Bible workers were shocked that this Muslim woman was so earnestly requesting they come to her home for prayer. They were also a little frightened because they were unsure what reaction they might get from her family. They agreed to come to her home and silently prayed for the Lord's protection and presence.Her husband was also there and he also welcomed the Bible workers into his home. This was the first time these Bible workers had ever been invited to a Muslim home for prayer. They shared the truths of Abraham with Ayisha and her husband. The couple shared with the workers that they were both unemployed and their financial situation was dire.The Bible workers sincerely prayed for them and as they were leaving, Ayisha asked them to come back regularly to pray with her family, which they did faithfully. Now by the grace of God, this family attends church every Sabbath and God has answered their prayer and blessed both of them with a good job!


Joy of Surrender 5/10/17


The Pukkulam Church Collapses! 3/23/17