Joy of Surrender 5/10/17

FaithCamp West 2017: The Joy of Surrender

FaithCamp is a time for spiritual recharging and inspiration. It is a time where we join together to worship and proclaim the importance of taking the Gospel to all the world. Each year missionaries who are on the front lines come to share how God is using them to spread the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him. It is truly a special event and we hope to see many of you there.Registration is now open.We are grateful to be hosted by Upper Columbia Academy near Spokane, WA. Lodging is available on campus in the dormitory, RV and trailer camping sites, and tent camping sites. Meals will be provided by the UCA Cafeteria and the food is excellent! Prices for lodging and food are available on the FaithCamp website as well as a complete speaker list and schedule.Our speaker lineup features Brian and Jessica Atwell, who are steadily moving step-by-step towards their goal of launching a Center of Influence in Bangkok, Thailand. God has opened many doors for them and we know His heart longs to see the Gospel taken to the people of Bangkok.Also speaking are missionaries Rudy and Michelle Harnisch, and Miranda Lundby, JFA President Jon Wood, Producer of the new MissionTrek program for 3ABN Kids Network James Wood, Pastor Martin Kim, JFA West Coast Correspondent Kelly Meyer, and special guest Michael Dant, who will be sharing powerful insights into the subject of surrender.We hope to see you there!Register Here

Vision Trip 2018

Based on the results of the survey we have narrowed the time of the trip down to January through March of 2018. The trip will be six weeks and will visit Thailand, Cambodia, and India. You will get to visit the projects of Jesus for Asia and meet our missionaries where they work. The cost of the full trip will be $2500-$3000 per person which will cover travel, lodging, and food.For those unable to go for the full six weeks you will have the option to come for portions of the trip.If you have not filled out the survey yet, please do so using the link below.Take the SurveyClick here to get more information about what a Vision Trip entails

*Gayle and Bletjhaw give away washtubs and hygiene supplies to the villagers of MeDeLeGweeGayle Haberkam and Bletjhaw visited a village they had never been to before to share with them about Jesus and about proper hygiene. They had a marvelous time despite the pig flea bites, steep hiking, and hard work at the rice fields.Read more about Gayle's experience and see all the great photos!

Crisis in the Philippines 5/26/17


Vision Trip 2017