Love is the Way 07/10/17

Love is the Way

The Sharons live in Thailand among the people teaching them English and doing whatever they can to help lift them out of their poverty and superstition. It is truly the definition of friendship evangelism at work.

The Sharons have been ministering to a very old women in the village, nicknamed Grandma Ruth, who had been sick and essentially left to die by her family. The Sharons have been helping her with food and other things for over a year now.Grandma Ruth came to them on June 19 and Lisa Sharon sent her adopted daughter, Esther, home with Grandma to do a hot fomentation. Esther came back all excited because she had spent nearly the whole time sharing about Jesus to Grandma Ruth! Grandma Ruth had many questions and requested that Esther return every day to tell her more about Jesus. A week later Grandma Ruth gave her heart to Jesus and when Esther returned that evening, there were many people there who Grandma Ruth had invited to hear about Jesus!The love the Sharon family has shown her over the last year has now blossomed into a desire to know and love the Source. Praise God!The next day, Lisa noticed that Grandma Ruth had removed all of her devil strings and declared that she was now a vegetarian! She requested Lisa teach her how to make her vegetarian food taste good. God is amazing and it gets better! Grandma Ruth's daughter had been very against her mother becoming Christian and was trying to sabotage it by translating the Bible texts that Esther read incorrectly. Something dramatic has happened and a major change has come over the daughter. She has also removed her devil strings and is showing much more interest in the Bible studies. Please keep Grandma Ruth's daughter in your prayers!We need more people who are willing to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus in Asia. If God is calling you to go, do not delay in answering that call! If you are interested in going under Jesus for Asia please fill out our volunteer form here.Lisa Sharon will presenting at FaithCamp West at 9:30AM PST July 13 and 14. You can watch live on the Jesus for Asia Facebook page. Be sure to like it if you haven't yet! Check the full list of speakers at here to support the Sharons in their work!Also visit their personal website to stay up-to-date on how God is blessing their service in Thailand.

FaithCamp is Almost Here!

Please REGISTER if you are planning to attend! It helps us know how many meals need to be prepared!

Thank you for being a part of the Jesus for Asia family!
I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Thaddeus J LozenskyMission Awareness"No one can be a successful soul winner til he himself has settled the question of surrender to God" CM 49
100% of your donation goes to your designated project.
"Ask of me and I will give you the heathen for an inheritance." Psalms 2:8

Faith in the Face of Death 07/28/17


Crisis in the Philippines 5/26/17