Faith in the Face of Death 07/28/17

Things Get More Serious in Mindanao

At the end of May, we shared that Mike Cordes was in the hospital and that the conflict in Mindanao was intensifying. Mike's latest update details how the situation has gotten even more serious in the troubled region.
Mike was in a motorcycle accident two weeks ago and tore some ligaments in his knee and then just a few days ago he slipped a fell on wet concrete, injuring the knee further and fracturing his kneecap! This presents a problem because he is one of the only motorcycle drivers they have.
Mindanao is still under martial law and the government is becoming very strict in their efforts to maintain control of the region. Identification is required to pass any government checkpoints and most of the tribal people are having trouble obtaining identification because they are poor and often illiterate. This restricts their ability to travel, which impacts the work GoBeDo is able to do in that area because they train the locals to do ministry.The government has made a statement that anyone caught aiding the rebels will be killed and two young women who work with GoBeDo have been accused of being MASA (a label for those who aid the rebels) and this incriminates GoBeDo by extension. Two men recently came to the mission post to collect donations for the rebels, but the locals suspect the are either bandits or undercover government operatives trying to flush out rebel supporters.Please pray for GoBeDo Missions as they face these threats upon their lives and continue to do the Lord's work in Mindanao!We want to again thank everyone who responded to the previous call for funds for GoBeDo! God blessed them with over $10,000, but they will need continued support in the coming months.Donate to GoBeDo Missions here!Click here to view previous GoBeDo updates and subscribe to their email list.

A Girl with a Dream

Miranda Lundby has a dream to build the first Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy in Cambodia! The Adventist youth in Cambodia must attend non-Adventist schools once they enter high school and because of this many are leaving the church. Miranda, 21, has been called by God to provide a solution to this problem. She is currently getting her Masters in Education at AIIAS (Adventist International Institute for Advanced Studies) so she can help direct such a school!Miranda came to Jesus for Asia in a very miraculous fashion. I will only give a brief summary here, but we will soon have Miranda sharing this testimony on Jesus for Asia NOW on 3ABN.When she was fifteen years old Jesus appeared to her in a dream and told her to find a group of missionaries in Tennessee led by an Elder Wood. When JFA President Jon Wood goes overseas he is usually addressed as Elder Wood! She searched but could not find him. Amazingly at this same time, Jon was praying to God to send someone with a Masters in Education! Five years later (2016) Miranda heard about FaithCamp and wrote to Jon to share her story. We are so excited to partner with Miranda to accomplish this God-sized dream!If you want to support Miranda in this amazing project please visit her page at our website.There is currently a $5,000 matching grant to help raise the remaining funds needed to purchase a vehicle for the Cambodia academy!Donate HereWe are also wanting to put a down payment on the land for the school before it is sold or the current price goes up.Donate here to fund the purchasing of land for the academy. *Note: the total listed on this project includes the land and building the school.

Thank you for being a part of the Jesus for Asia family!
I am so thankful to be a part of God's work in Asia!Thaddeus J LozenskyMission Awareness"No one can be a successful soul winner til he himself has settled the question of surrender to God" CM 49
100% of your donation goes to your designated project.
"Ask of me and I will give you the heathen for an inheritance." Psalms 2:8

The Joy of Surrender Missions Conference 08/08/17


Love is the Way 07/10/17