FaithCamp, Thank you, and Bible Worker Stories

You are invited to join us at FaithCamp East 2018
Cohutta Springs Youth Camp
Crandall, GA October 10-14, 2018

Here is another opportunity to attend FaithCamp! Some of the same speakers from FaithCamp West are joining us in Georgia this fall for FaithCamp East.  We will also have Josh Bauder coming from Thailand, Miranda Lundby from Cambodia, Frank Fournier from Outposts Center International, plus a possible special guest from the Philippines.  Don't miss this faith building, bonding, camp meeting with Jesus for Asia!  For more information or to register:

We were so blessed at FaithCamp West 2018

FaithCamp West was full of inspiring stories from frontline missionaries, faith challenging sermons, miracles, blessings, and more. I know everyone there was blessed!  We also had a large virtual audience.  But if you missed out and would like to hear what was shared at FaithCamp, all of the sermons will soon be on YouTube (six are there now). They will also be added to our FaithCamp page soon.  

Prayer Needed!
Due to extreme flooding in Kerala, the president of the union is not able to get in touch with our Bible workers. Some sources have called this the worst flood in the century. We need to pray for the people, our Bible workers, and what we can do to help them during this emergency. “We have decided to open a fund in anticipation of the needs of our Bible workers in Kerala and the families under their care.

The highlight for me was when MissionTREK shared the premiere of episode one. I am so amazed by these kids and pray God uses this program to inspire many young people to surrender their lives to God and begin looking for ways to share Him with others. Please pray with me for the editing of this series and for the youth who will view it.

Some comments from our FaithCamp attendees:

"The love here is just amazing! Lots of encouragement. Do the work so Jesus can come!"

"FaithCamp has inspired me to be a better Christian so no matter where I am I can be a missionary."

"It helps hone my focus in life and helps bring clarity to real priorities."

Thank you!
I also want to share a response we received from the Mumbai Metro Section Supervisor: 

We want to thank everyone that prayed and supported our Bible workers financially after Jon Wood, President of JFA, sent out the urgent appeal last month. All the needed funds came in to cover their July stipends plus enough to cover the deficit from June."Thank you for the JFA stipend you are sending for the section field volunteer workers. We understand that donations to JFA have slowed and it is okay. We appreciate whatever amount you can send us. Please do not feel sorry for us. We, like you, also cherish the joy of serving our gracious God through JFA in our mission field.  We understand that JFA runs totally on faith by donations from many people.  We hope and pray that you will have many more donors pick up the slack.  

It appears the Lord is testing our faith and trust in Him. We are praying that more funds will come into your office. We are with you in imploring the Lord, the owner of the universe, that He will bring in the money for July and the entire year." 
These workers are truly working for heavenly treasure!We are very thankful we were able to provide our Bible worker's full stipends in July. You can continue to help by praying, donating, or becoming a consistent monthly donor. 

We know this newsletter is long, yet we also wanted to share some stories from our Bible workers with you.  

Bible Worker's Stories

Story 1 from Jalalabad - Maiku and his wife Guddi were living a very happy life in a multigenerational home. Our Bible worker, Umesh, started visiting this family and praying with them regularly. Many family members did not like his prayers. Actually only two or three would stay for prayer.  Finally they realized that Umesh was teaching them from the Bible. God softened their hearts. Soon they all began staying for prayer and Bible study. Now this family is so thankful for Umesh’s persistance. They are learning Bible truth and growing closer to God. 

Story 2 from Bhaisawal - Sanjeev is a church member in Daulatpur. Our Bible worker, Frank, has a prayer meeting in Sanjeev's home every week. One week, Rishabh came to the meeting because he had heard how the prayers of the Bible worker healed people. Rishabh had a problem with his leg which made it very hard for him to walk. Frank prayed for Rishabh’s leg and told him about Jesus. He told him stories of how Jesus healed people. Frank told Rishabh that if he believed in Jesus, Jesus could heal his leg too. After the prayer, Rishabh said his leg felt better. Frank promised to continue to pray for Rishabh and he did. Today Rishabh’s leg is completely healed. Rishbabh is now sharing his testimony of healing with his neighbors and friends. 
The Bible workers are committed to sharing truth and life with people. They depend on God for strength, healing, and protection everyday. We need to remember them daily in our prayers and help support them financially.
Sponsoring a Bible worker in India costs just $90/month.

100% of your donation goes to your designated project.Jesus for Asia
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 Jesus for Asia, Inc.
P.O. Box 1221, Collegedale, TN 37315
(423) 413-7321

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